Chapter 41- Lily Sagrada and Her Nest

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Fourteen years had already passed since Lily received PhilSecta Special Citizenship and gained state-of-the-art laboratory and private facilities from her adopted mother, the Top-Head Anna Montes, and also upon the request of the President to solidify the future chief architect of the Philippines' national defense.

At first, her private spaces were deep underground- various installations were put in the spacious laboratory for her experiments to be tested. Similarly, the laboratory was neatly lined with a lot of sophisticated equipment when it comes to nanotechnology and quantum computing; so much so that she struggled to fit more in.

She tried to ask President Luna to expand her spaces and was granted upon her notions of the necessity of particle accelerators and other specialized equipment. Luna gave her one condition to make weapons and verified technology that could repel the force of the supernatural called magic or sorcery.

Lily Sagrada, the bloomed day of her 18th year.

She returned to the surface, in the main hall specifically made for PhilSecta geniuses/researchers. After a long time carrying a lot of luggage in the refreshing weather. Of course, she wasn't alone. She was with her colleagues who were carrying their luggage.

Lily had accompanied her adoptive mother Anna on her inspection to the southern of PhilSecta until then.

After the inspection at the facilities that need high authority permits to enter, Lily would often accompany Anna on her inspections and gained something more from the internal working PhilSecta. As with this time, they didn't just inspect secret facilities in the society, but also the residences of members, as well. During the inspections, Lily had the opportunity to practice the professional trading skills that she'd learned from Anna before leaving, and she traded for various things related to her field of expertise.

She had made quite a good profit from life-saving inventions she made such as highly advanced robots for house management, and she had also made a big profit from technology-related products, such as software and specific hardware.

After all, members highly gave importance to efficiency and cybersecurity although the government gave them for free and the latest technology up to date still they prefer to have secured private personal space.

Although they can't access most parts of the internet if they used such products some members write their stories, diaries, and some areas that must are not public like photos of their crush, etc. And the government doesn't restrict them as long as a digital search warrant came up, government respects the privacy of its PhilSecta members and also the citizens.

Of course, that was also because the software nowadays was too beneficial, and they came in many forms, such as cybersecurity, search engines, and entertainment-based software.

However, that wasn't the only reason; another reason why it sold so quickly was that the government passed bills to support advanced technologies and encourage their citizens to use them for the sake of the country.

Since private companies don't exist, the government holds every state-owned establishment and provides affordable products and services.

Since universal basic income accounts for more than 50% of their savings, all most Filipinos don't complain anymore.

If you are an anti-government, you will start to feel the importance of those benefits and time will tell when you and your family will gonna last until you confessed you are wrong. Not to mention, your neighborhood and social media will flock to you, invade your private life and criticize you.

If you are not part of the group, you are ousted and that's the harsh reality of Filipino society. In truth, Filipino love their government so much as the government prioritizes social programs.

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