Chapter 6

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Grace Alder Pov. 

I stretched my arms as I sat up on my bed, thankful for finally being able to have a good sleep. I look at the time on my phone, it looks like I slept in. I think about what I should do today while I go about my morning routine. I have the weekend off, and it's only Saturday today.

I decided to prepare a big, healthy breakfast. I hardly get time to eat properly on working days. I go into my kitchen and only find eggs and orange juice in the fridge. I'm almost out of bread and milk. Looks like I need to go grocery shopping. I have a feast of toast, omelette and juice.

I totally forgot to call my aunt Olivia last night. She gets worried if I don't call her from time to time. And I didn't even tell her about the picture with Noah like she asked of me.

After breakfast, I spend the rest of my morning cleaning my house and doing my laundry. By the end of afternoon, I was so tired that I spent almost 2 hours in the bath. The warm water and the scent of the essential oil drained all the exhaustion. I have never been this tired, ever. No thanks to Mr. Kingsley.

It's on days like this that I realise how lonely I am. I should probably go out and make friends. No matter how much I love working, I have a life outside that too, or rather should have.

It gets lonely spending the weekend by myself. I left all my friends and aunt Olivia back in Virginia. Sometimes, when I have nothing to do, I sit and think of all the fun times I had with my friends and the close bond I shared with aunt Olivia. She was more of a mother to me than the one who gave birth to me.

I shook away all the thoughts of my mother. I didn't want to spoil my mood when my day was actually peaceful and quiet. I decided to go grocery shopping so that I can prepare food at home and not just order takeout.

Arriving at the market I started looking for the things I wanted. I didn't pay must attention to my surroundings when a cart bumps into mine.

"Oh sorry." Said the person whose cart accidentally hit mine. 

"It's okay." I replied. 

"I'm Roger , by the way." He introduced himself.
"Grace." He extended his hand out for a shack. 

Roger is a tall and handsome guy, he has a really good physique too. He was dressed in a casual outfit and still looking ready to walk on a ramp for some fashion show. 

"So, are you by yourself here?" He asked.

"Yeah. I just moved here a few months ago." 

"Oh great, there is no one with me either. We can do the rest of the shopping together, only if you don't mind?" Why would I say no to such a handsome guy? 

"Yeah. Why not," 

Roger seems like a decent guy who could be fun to be around. He told me that he lives nearby and usually came here for shopping. We exchanged our numbers and decided to meet again before walking our ways. It was good meeting him, I should hangout with him sometime or maybe invite him for a dinner?

I came back to my apartment, I sat on the couch and checked my phone for the first time today. Message from aunt Olivia asking about me. I replied to her that I was doing fine. I scrolled up to find a message from an unknown number. Turned out it was Roger asking me if I reached home safely. I replied with a yes. He seems like a sweet person. I shouldn't have any problem meeting up with him again.

After having dinner alone, I called aunt Olivia. 

"Hey, pumpkin" 

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