Chapter 16

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Aldrik Kingsley Pov.

" Why didn't you ask him directly? " Evan snaps at me. 

" What should I ask him? 'Why his man wants to kill me...!?' He would probably shoot me right at the spot. " I seethe. 

" Evan he's right, we can't ask him directly. It's dangerous. " Chris tried to explain him. 

" So what now? " Noah asked. " We have to wait for the police to catch him." 

" We don't have to. "  Suddenly I felt like the echoes of my voice around the whole office. Just like movies. 

" Why? " 
" Damn! I know you would have done something? " 
" What did you do Aldrik? " 
" Why haven't you told us before? " 
"We have been worried here, thinking about what should we do next and you are hiding things from us? " 

Everyone shoots their questions at me. 

" You guys already know that I don't do anything without a backup plan. "  

" We don't forget that, but it's been long we have worked under this type of situation. " Evan avowed. 

" What it was this time?" 

" When I was preparing for the meeting I thought about what if our plan doesn't work? So I came up with an idea and I joined Grace with me. what she did is that....." 


" Val if you don't mind can I  ask you something?" Grace speaks up. Val gave her a nod with a smile. I'm hating his smile so much. 

" I saw a walking stick with you, do you always carry it with you ? " she says and looks at the stick she mentions. 

" Yes, it's the most precious thing to me. " BRAVO! 

" It does look precious, and unique can I see it? I like its design. "  Wow, Grace does have her effect on men. But I'm not liking this talent of her? 

"Why not, it's hand-carved, the design is 200 years older. " I mentally roll my eyes when he again started with his history lecture. 

" Wow, it's beautiful. It totally matches your personality. " Grace replied as she was looking at every inch of stick and then she found it..! 


Grace carefully place the chip on the stick where he can't see it and gave the stick back to Valdimir. 

WOW.. She's amazing....Our plan worked... I was shouting in my mind. 



"You did great. He didn't have any idea that we are listening to him right now. " I compliment her. 

" Thank you. That tough, for a moment I thought we are going barehanded from here. But Mr Gang leader was quite nice. "  I  chuckle at the name she gave him. 

" I thought so too. But you did it." 

" Let's hear what is he doing. " I nodded and gave her the earbud. 

" Danil what is Mikhail up to know? Do you know where is he?" I hear Valdimir's voice, he's talking to someone

" No sir we haven't heard anything from him, from the last he left the house. " The guy name Danil says. 

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