A Royal Mess

17 1 0

Cassandra's POV

I finally get to the cabin by the lake, pretending to be out of breath, just in case someone is around, I'd actually seem quite normal.

I roll my eyes at giving a crap at what someone would think of me.

I notice how dark the place is. Hmmm... She must be around here somewhere.

I bring myself through the clearing and follow Madison's scent. It's strong around here. I follow it around to the back of the cabin. Nothing.


I stand there looking around and notice ripped clothing on a chair and how the ground has been disturbed. I bend down and notice paw prints moving away from the porch.

I follow the prints out, back into the forest. Yep, she's definitely around here somewhere. I look again around and turn my eyes up into the trees.

After a few moments of me ruffling around, being not so quiet I see a set of green eyes up in a tree.

I walk closer so that I'm standing at the base of the trunk and put my hands on my hips so that I look at least annoyed.

I tilt my head over slightly. "Hey! Bitch. Are you gonna make me come up there or are you gonna come down." I taunt the green eyes.

I hear what was a snarl but the lazy looking beast finally drops down to the ground behind me.

"Good. Now you gonna bite me or can we talk?" I still try my best at putting on an annoyed air.

The beast snarls again but turns and starts walking away from me.

I run passed her and come to a hault in front of her.

"Nah-Ah! Not this time. I'm not letting you walk away from me again. So choose. You either have me tag along driving you bat shit crazy with none stop banter or you can shift and talk." I look at her, a smirk working it's way onto my lips. "You do know that vampires don't sleep. Right?" I add just in case she doesn't know how badly I can in fact annoy her.

I start laughing as she seems to roll her eyes at me.

A few seconds later she's standing in front of me. Green eyes glowing bright.

"Where's Madison?" Was my first question. I wanted to know that she was OK. I had come to know that Miakoda took over when she thought it best to keep Madison protected.

"Resting." Is all she answers.

At least she's willing to talk, even if it is just one word at a time.

"Come. Let's go inside shall we. I need coffee and I know you would prefer to sleep out here but I'm not." I say to her leaving her looking a bit shocked that I didn't tell  her we needed to head back to the pack.

I headed back to the cabin knowing full well she would follow.

I make my way into the unlocked cabin and switch lights on as I go, heading for the kitchen to make some coffee.

I waited there for a few minutes before she entered and made her way to the seat by the counter. I didn't say anything. I wanted her to realise that I wasn't about to pressure her into anything.

The purculator gurgled and I readied the mugs to pour us some coffee.

We sat there in silence and just sipped the devine liquid.

"You said you wanted to talk, so talk." She finally said still staring at the caramel colored liquid in her mug.

"You imprinted. Well, according to Agatha's grannnnmaaa." I try and say it in true Agatha fashion which makes both us chuckle.

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