S1 EP6 - The Justice Society

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It was early in the morning. Nate was sitting in his bedroom messing with the Omnitrix, trying to unlock Master Control. His phone beeped. He looked at it to see his alarm for school. Looking through the wardrobe, he saw his dad's old green leather jacket. He took it out along with a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He took his bag off the back of his chair.

Nate: Okay, who will get me to school the quickest?

He turned on the Omnitrix and began scrolling through the aliens.

Nate: Here we go.

Nate slammed down on the faceplate.

Jetray: Sweet

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Jetray: Sweet.

Nate flew out of the window. He started to head in the direction of the school. He landed in a nearby alleyway so he could transform back without anyone noticing.


Nate walked into school and was immediately greeted by Courtney.

Courtney: Hey, Nate.

Nate: Hey, Court. What's up?

Courtney: Oh, you know, same old same old. What about you?

Nate: I'm doing pretty good. I just flew here in 15 seconds thanks to Jetray. The Omnitrix really makes things easier.

Courtney: Is that... all it does?

Nate: I mean, not really. I never really got the chance to know my dad. I was only a kid when he died. All my life, I've just been told stories about how he saved the world from the Highbreed, or when he saved the entirety of creation from Maltruant. It's just nice to have something that feels like I'm connected to him as a person. Like, the rookie mistakes I make, he experienced them when he was my age too.

Courtney: Wow... um, that's quite- interesting. I, uh, gotta go but, um, that was a good talk.

Courtney walks off.

Nate: Weird.

The bell rings and Nate walks off for his classes.


It was now lunch and Nate had his tray. He went down to sit at the table where Yolanda and Beth were already sitting.

Nate: What's up, guys?

Beth: Nothing much.

Yolanda: Hey, can you settle a bet for us?

Nate: Sure... what is it?

Yolanda. So, I think that when you transform, you switch minds with a blank alien slate inside the watch-

Beth: But, Chuck and I think that your DNA alters so you become the alien by morphing your biology.

Nate: I have absolutely no clue. It just happens in a millisecond. How am I supposed to know? I'm not exactly Azmuth.

Courtney walks up to them. They greet each other.

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