S3 EP7: Infinity Inc: Part One

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In the Tennyson garage, Nate was underneath his car fixing it up while Ben stood next to the tools. Nate reached his hand out.

Nate: Plasma-induced screwdriver.

Ben: Plasma-induced screwdriver.

Ben picked it up and handed it to him. Nate used it on the car and handed it back to Ben.

Nate: Laser-guided spanner.

Ben: Laser-guided spanner.

He handed him the tool.

Starman: [Oh my God, I think this is the most boring interaction I've ever heard.]

Nate: Okay, I think I fixed the problem I had with the suspension.

Ben: Why not let Kevin take a look at it?

Nate: Hey, I'm perfectly capable.

Ben: Yeah, but why chance it?

Starman: [Beth's almost done with the power. Keep it up. Starman out.]

Nate: Y'know, I think I could improve aerodynamics if I just-

The power to the town went out.

Nate: Oh, thank god.

Ben: Let's go find some cameras.

Nate: We don't have to find them.

Ben: What? What are you talking about?

Nate: Aunt Gwendolyn let me borrow her spell book one time. And I'm an Anodyte, remember?

Nate prepared himself to use the spell.

Nate: This is gonna be the last time I use these powers.

Nate focused himself.

Nate: Camera Oblitera Maxima.

A few holes in the walls started to form from explosions inside them.

Nate: Right... I was supposed to shield the cameras first. We can fix that before Mom comes home. Probably.

Ben: So, what do we do now?

Nate: We wait for the others to disable the cameras. And I still have a tracer to find.

He pulls out the tracker he got off of the Vreedles.

Nate: Unfortunately, the marker is kind of unclear. However, I managed to reverse engineer it so that the tracer will beep whenever the tracking device is near it. All I need to do is turn it on like so.

He pressed a button on the device.

Nate: And take a walk about town until I hear-


Nate looked up from the tracking device.

Ben: Was that the kind of beep you were describing?

Nate: Yep.

Nate started walking and noticed that the beeping sound intensified as he moved closer to his car.

Ben: You don't think.

Nate: I don't see any other way that my car would be beeping.

He lifted the hood and the beeping sound became less muffled. He reached in and searched around until he found a small beeping device.

Nate: No-one had access to this car except from me. At least, since it's been repaired. I need to go.

Ben: You need my help?

Nate: No. I got this one.


Nate knocked on his Aunt and Uncle's door. Kevin opened it.

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