S2 EP12 - Summer School: Chapter Twelve

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Jennie, Beth and Rook walked into the cafeteria of the school.

Jennie: Whoa.

Beth: Yeah, we had a big fight in here last week.

Rook: That was when Eclipso and Zs'Skayr escaped if I recalled Nate's story of it correctly.

Jennie: I still have a lot to catch up on.

Beth scanned the room while they continued through.

Beth: There's no sign of The Shade. Your ring located dark energy at two places in Blue Valley: the theater in town and the school.

Jennie: Most of the time, I don't know what the ring's doing.

Rook: Lantern rings are notoriously mysterious.

Beth: Maybe we can check the classrooms again?

Beth's goggles began alerting her. They went to a strange piece of dark energy.

Beth: This is right where Cindy disappeared.

Jennie: What is that stuff?

Beth: It looks like some kind of residue.

Rook: It is similar to the properties of Corrodium.

Beth: That must of been what your ring was picking up.

The ring began to blast the residue on the floor.

Beth: Are- are you okay?

Jennie: I- I think so.

Rook: The residue seems to have been disintegrated from the blast.

Beth: That's probably a good thing. Right?

Her goggles began to receive an incoming message.

Beth: Courtney? She's home. She's home.

They all left the school.


Ben was drinking a glass of water in the Whitmore's living room while Nate stood in the corner looking at him.

Ben: This is strange for me too, Nate.

Nate: I- I just... how is this possible?

Ben: I don't know. Some kind of omniversal glitch or something. Paradox would normally show up at a time like this and explain everything.

Nate: The same Paradox that gave me a bunch of unhelpful clues that led me nowhere?

Ben: Probably, knowing what the guy's like.

Nate stood quiet for a while. He then unlatched the Omnitrix and removed it. He extended it out to Ben.

Ben: Nate, what are you doing?

Nate: This belongs to you. I was never meant to have it.

Ben: You wanna know something, Nate?

Nate: What?

Ben: Neither was I. When the Omnitrix crashed on Earth, it was supposed to be for my Grandpa Max. But, I used it to help people, and later in life I proved to Azmuth my worthiness and he gave me the completed Omnitrix. And, from what I hear, you earned that Omnitrix. So keep it.

Nate smiled slightly and put it back on.

Nate: So, you remember everything?

Ben: Everything up to when Vilgax...  when the original JSA were defeated.

Suddenly, the Omnitrix beeped.

Omnitrix: <Incoming Teleportion>

Azmuth appeared on the coffee table in front of them.

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