Nate went downstairs with Ship by his side to see his dad talking to Kevin and Gwendolyn.
Nate: What's going on?
Ben: Hey, kiddo. We were just talking about... Devin.
Nate: Why?
Kevin: He's gone. We can't find him.
Nate: I'm sure he'll turn up somewhere.
Gwendolyn: You wouldn't know where he is, right?
Nate: Never do. He's unpredictable like that. Part of his charm, I guess. Look, he'll come back. He always does.
There was a knock at Cindy's door. She opened it to see Devin standing there.
Devin: I need your help.
Cindy: And I should care, why?
Devin: Because I can help you with your problem.
Cindy: What problem?
Devin: Oh please, you think I don't know mutation when I see it. How bad is it?
Cindy gave him a death stare until she decided to roll up her sleeve and show him the reptilian scales on her arm.
Cindy: Alright, what do you need my help with?
Devin: I'll let you know.
Devin walked away from the house.
Cindy: Where are you going?
Devin: I- uh... I don't know.
Cindy: Well, I can't help you if you're wandering. Come on.
Cindy waved him inside the house.
Nate, Beth, Rick and Yolanda all met up with Sylvester at the Pit Stop.
Yolanda: I followed your advice, Sylvester, about Cindy, and it paid off.
She pulled out a purple laptop from her bag.
Sylvester: Is that...
Beth: The Gambler's laptop.
Yolanda: I found it hidden in her room.
Rick: So she did it.
Beth: But why?
Sylvester: Beth, we need what's on this laptop right now.
Beth: There are probably the usual encryptions and firewalls, but I should be able to get through them with an assist from the goggles.
Sylvester: Once you're inside, download everything. And then, Yolanda, I want you to put the laptop back where you found it.
Rick: Why would we do that?
Sylvester: Because if Cindy knows the computer's gone, she'll know she's busted. She might run. There's still a chance Dragon King's a part of this. Or someone else.
Nate: Ominous. Love it.
Sylvester: Can't hurt to dramatize every now and again, Nate.
Nate: Trust me, I know. Anyways, gotta go steal a tracker from a bounty hunter. See ya.
Yolanda: Only you can make that seem like a normal sentence, Nate.
Nate: Don't I know it.
He quickly kissed Yolanda and went to leave.
Nate: Call me if you need me.
Nate was walking through the streets while messing with the Ultimatrix, waiting for the bounty hunters when he suddenly heard a spaceship land next to him. The window rolled down and he saw who was in it.

FanfictionNate Tennyson is the son of the long deceased Ben Tennyson. After many years, Nate finds his father's Omnitrix and becomes the new user. He befriends other successors of the former JSA.