S3 EP6 - The Betrayal

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Nate went downstairs with Ship by his side to see his dad talking to Kevin and Gwendolyn.

Nate: What's going on?

Ben: Hey, kiddo. We were just talking about... Devin.

Nate: Why?

Kevin: He's gone. We can't find him.

Nate: I'm sure he'll turn up somewhere.

Gwendolyn: You wouldn't know where he is, right?

Nate: Never do. He's unpredictable like that. Part of his charm, I guess. Look, he'll come back. He always does.


There was a knock at Cindy's door. She opened it to see Devin standing there.

Devin: I need your help.

Cindy: And I should care, why?

Devin: Because I can help you with your problem.

Cindy: What problem?

Devin: Oh please, you think I don't know mutation when I see it. How bad is it?

Cindy gave him a death stare until she decided to roll up her sleeve and show him the reptilian scales on her arm.

Cindy: Alright, what do you need my help with?

Devin: I'll let you know.

Devin walked away from the house.

Cindy: Where are you going?

Devin: I- uh... I don't know.

Cindy: Well, I can't help you if you're wandering. Come on.

Cindy waved him inside the house.


Nate, Beth, Rick and Yolanda all met up with Sylvester at the Pit Stop.

Yolanda: I followed your advice, Sylvester, about Cindy, and it paid off.

She pulled out a purple laptop from her bag.

Sylvester: Is that...

Beth: The Gambler's laptop.

Yolanda: I found it hidden in her room.

Rick: So she did it.

Beth: But why?

Sylvester: Beth, we need what's on this laptop right now.

Beth: There are probably the usual encryptions and firewalls, but I should be able to get through them with an assist from the goggles.

Sylvester: Once you're inside, download everything. And then, Yolanda, I want you to put the laptop back where you found it.

Rick: Why would we do that?

Sylvester: Because if Cindy knows the computer's gone, she'll know she's busted. She might run. There's still a chance Dragon King's a part of this. Or someone else.

Nate: Ominous. Love it.

Sylvester: Can't hurt to dramatize every now and again, Nate.

Nate: Trust me, I know. Anyways, gotta go steal a tracker from a bounty hunter. See ya.

Yolanda: Only you can make that seem like a normal sentence, Nate.

Nate: Don't I know it.

He quickly kissed Yolanda and went to leave.

Nate: Call me if you need me.


Nate was walking through the streets while messing with the Ultimatrix, waiting for the bounty hunters when he suddenly heard a spaceship land next to him. The window rolled down and he saw who was in it.

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