S2 EP2 - Summer School: Chapter Two

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Nate was sleeping peacefully on top of his bunk bed. He was woken up by tapping on his face. He opened his eyes to see Rook directly in front of him.

Nate: Ah!

Nate fell backwards and off the top bunk of the bed.

Rook: My apologies. I did not mean to frighten you.

Nate: No, it's alright.

Rook: I have taken the liberty to make you breakfast.

Nate: Thanks, man.

Rook hands him a tray with breakfast on it. They both sit on the bottom bunk.

Rook: So, when will we meet the Justice Society of America?

Nate: Later. Apparently, Courtney and Yolanda have summer school. Rick and Beth'll probably be at the Pit Stop sometime today.

Rook: Then we shall go to the Pit Stop... What is the Pit Stop?

Nate: It's kinda like our headquarters. It's a mechanic shop that Courtney's stepdad works at.

Rook: STRIPE? Formerly know as Stripsey?

Nate: Yeah, that's the one. Did you memorize the JSA files?

Rook: It is entirely possible.

Nate: Well, thanks for the breakfast, cuz.

Rook: Yes, well, now that you are finished, I have a surprise for you.

Nate: Let me get dressed first.

Rook: Oh, yes. Of course, sorry.

Nate got changed into his clothes and Rook walks him outside with his eyes closed.

Nate: Can I open them yet?

Rook: Not yet. Okay, now.

Nate opens his eyes to the Proto-TRUK.

Nate opens his eyes to the Proto-TRUK

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Nate: Is that?

Rook: Indeed, it is. My father's Proto-TRUK.

Nate: This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Rook: Yes. Yes it is.


Michael Morningstar and Richard Swift were sat in a car outside of The American Dream.

Swift: I shall only be a moment.

Morningstar: If you are not successful in retrieving Zarick's things then you are history, Shade. I need the Dominus Librium.

Swift: Don't fret, Darkstar. We are in need of the same thing here. Sure, you want to not wear that ridiculous helmet again. But, in summary we want the same thing.

Swift got out of the car and walked to the building. Morningstar checked his watch and looked across the street.

Morningstar: Where are you?

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