Nate, Yolanda and Rick were trying to figure out why Justin had stopped in his place.
Wildcat: What's wrong with him?
Hourman: Brainwave's got him.
Omnis: And it seems like a very tight hold.
Wildcat: Remember, Justin, you are the Silent Knight!
Omnis: No, he isn't.
Hourman: He's the Shining Knight.
Wildcat: Well, I don't know.
Beth: {Chuck. If Brainwave's broadcast is affecting every adult, why not the bad guys?}
Dr. McNider: {I'd theorize they're wearing a signal blocking earpiece of some kind, protecting them from the broadcast.}
Beth: {Okay. Can we mimic the blocking signal somehow?}
Dr. McNider: {I'm afraid I'd need to examine one of the earpieces to do that.}
Stargirl: {Beth, Pat's fighting Brainwave's control!}
Beth: {What? No, that could kill him, Court!}
Hourman: We need help, Beth.
Beth: {I know! I know! I hear you, guys! Wait. I hear them. Chuck! That's it, I hear them. When I was under Cindy's house, I couldn't hear anyone. Can we see if there's some kind of signal blockers, like those earpieces down in the tunnels?}
Omnis: Beth, that's genius.
Dr. McNider: {I've located several frequency blocking systems within the tunnels below. They're currently off.}
Beth: {Because they know we're down there. But, if we can turn the blockers back on, we could free Pat and Justin!}
The Gambler: {You think you can break into my security system that easily?}
Dr. McNider: {He's correct, Beth. It's proving difficult. Every time I break through one of his firewalls, he puts another one up. It's a stalemate.}
Beth: {If the Gambler's so focused on keeping us out, maybe we can divert his attention elsewhere. What else can we hack into, Chuck?}
Dr. McNider: {Hmm. How about we target what the Gambler cares about more than anything else?}
Beth: {What's that?}
Dr. McNider: {His money}
The Gambler: {What?}
Dr. McNider: {I've accessed his various bank accounts, both onshore and off.}
The Gambler: {Hey! Get out of there!}
Beth: {I volunteer every Christmas for the American Red Cross, but there are so many worthy charities. Why pick one?}
The Gambler: {Stop it! No! Stop! Get out of there!}
Dr. McNider: {With the Gambler occupied, I've accessed the frequency blockers in the tunnels. I can't keep them on very long, but even a momentary interruption in the signal should disconnect Pat and Justin from Brainwave.}

FanfictionNate Tennyson is the son of the long deceased Ben Tennyson. After many years, Nate finds his father's Omnitrix and becomes the new user. He befriends other successors of the former JSA.