S1 EP13 - Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E.: Part Two

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Nate, Yolanda and Rick were trying to figure out why Justin had stopped in his place.

Wildcat: What's wrong with him?

Hourman: Brainwave's got him.

Omnis: And it seems like a very tight hold.

Wildcat: Remember, Justin, you are the Silent Knight!

Omnis: No, he isn't.

Hourman: He's the Shining Knight.

Wildcat: Well, I don't know.

Beth: {Chuck. If Brainwave's broadcast is affecting every adult, why not the bad guys?}

Dr. McNider: {I'd theorize they're wearing a signal blocking earpiece of some kind, protecting them from the broadcast.}

Beth: {Okay. Can we mimic the blocking signal somehow?}

Dr. McNider: {I'm afraid I'd need to examine one of the earpieces to do that.}

Stargirl: {Beth, Pat's fighting Brainwave's control!}

Beth: {What? No, that could kill him, Court!}

Hourman: We need help, Beth.

Beth: {I know! I know! I hear you, guys! Wait. I hear them. Chuck! That's it, I hear them. When I was under Cindy's house, I couldn't hear anyone. Can we see if there's some kind of signal blockers, like those earpieces down in the tunnels?}

Omnis: Beth, that's genius.

Dr. McNider: {I've located several frequency blocking systems within the tunnels below. They're currently off.}

Beth: {Because they know we're down there. But, if we can turn the blockers back on, we could free Pat and Justin!}

The Gambler: {You think you can break into my security system that easily?}

Dr. McNider: {He's correct, Beth. It's proving difficult. Every time I break through one of his firewalls, he puts another one up. It's a stalemate.}

Beth: {If the Gambler's so focused on keeping us out, maybe we can divert his attention elsewhere. What else can we hack into, Chuck?}

Dr. McNider: {Hmm. How about we target what the Gambler cares about more than anything else?}

Beth: {What's that?}

Dr. McNider: {His money}

The Gambler: {What?}

Dr. McNider: {I've accessed his various bank accounts, both onshore and off.}

The Gambler: {Hey! Get out of there!}

Beth: {I volunteer every Christmas for the American Red Cross, but there are so many worthy charities. Why pick one?}

The Gambler: {Stop it! No! Stop! Get out of there!}

Dr. McNider: {With the Gambler occupied, I've accessed the frequency blockers in the tunnels. I can't keep them on very long, but even a momentary interruption in the signal should disconnect Pat and Justin from Brainwave.}

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