S3 EP2 - The Suspects

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The JSA stood in the Pit Stop and were explaining what had happened to Pat and Sylvester.

Courtney: Someone murdered The Gambler.

Pat: Okay. Well, who'd have the motive to do that?

Sylvester: Well, who'd ever met him.

Rick: Yeah, so who cares?

Courtney: A man is dead, and there's a killer out there.

Yolanda: Excuse me. Have you all lost your minds? Cindy Burman did it.

Rick: She was standing over his body.

Nate: With a literal smoking gun.

Courtney: Okay. Yeah, sure she was, but Cindy told us that she went to see if the Gambler had any connection to the robbery we came across.

Yolanda: Oh! Case dismissed, I guess.

Courtney: Cindy went to investigate when she heard the Gambler's old gang were back together. When she showed up, she found the trailer destroyed and The Gambler dead.

Sylvester: But you said she was holding a gun.

Courtney: Cindy said she saw the gun, and picked it up-

Nate: Contaminating evidence.

Courtney: But it had accidentally gone off.

Beth: The Gambler wasn't shot. The goggles couldn't find a bullet wound anywhere.

Rick: That doesn't mean that Cindy didn't kill him, Beth.

Sylvester: And whoever twisted that trailer into a pretzel had to be as strong as Solomon Grundy.

Rick: Grundy's dead.

Sylvester: You sure, kid?

Yolanda: I hate to be a broken record here, but Cindy's strong.

Courtney: Not that strong.

Yolanda: She is a walking science experiment. Who knows what else she's done to change herself, Court?

Courtney: Dragon King changed her, and he's dead.

Rick: Yeah, because she killed him.

Nate: Not only that but who knows what she learnt from her dad. We know for a fact that she follows his expertise in Chemistry and who knows what else.

Yolanda: If you really thought she was innocent, she would be here at this meeting right now.

Courtney: The Gambler's laptop was missing, and he always has it with him.

Beth: I've been trying to track it. It still hasn't come back online yet.

Courtney: Cindy didn't have it. We find the laptop...

Pat: We find the killer.

Sylvester: Who I'm guessing was one of The Gambler's former colleagues from the Injustice Society who you're hoping to reform.

Courtney: We can't assume anything at this point.

Sylvester: Courtney, the fact is, it wasn't until The Gambler came back to Blue Valley that he was murdered making the former villains all suspects, including Cindy Burman.


The JSA were sat in the school cafeteria the next day.

Courtney: The official cause of death was blunt force trauma.

Yolanda: From a tornado?

Rick: Grundy did not kill The Gambler. Guys, I checked. He's still buried.

Beth: According to the autopsy report, aside from all the bruises and broken bones, The Gambler also had a stab wound right to the heart. The coroner theorized it was debris thrown by a tornado.

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