Nate Tennyson is the son of the long deceased Ben Tennyson. After many years, Nate finds his father's Omnitrix and becomes the new user. He befriends other successors of the former JSA.
Nate was sitting down in front of Kevin's stasis pod.
Nate: I got back at Vilgax, but for what? I was helpless when Brainwave killed Henry... And now, I can't help anyone.
Nate heard the door open. He turned to see his mom enter.
Nate: Mom, what are you doing here?
Kai: I flew out as soon as I got news of what was going on down here from Blukic and Driba.
Nate: (sighs) It was my fault. I didn't know what I was doing.
Kai: No. This wasn't your fault. Vilgax did this. Just because he wanted the Omnitrix.
Nate looked down, regretfully.
Kai: Where is the Omnitrix?
Nate walked over to the drawer and opened it up. He pulled out the broken pieces of the Omnitrix.
Kai: Oh.
Nate: I thought if I could hurt him, even a little, then what would I have to lose? It turns out, a lot.
Kai: Hey, hey. Look at me. None of this happened because of you. You may not be able to simply change the past, but you must live with it and hope that it brings you to help those in need.
Nate: Yeah.
Kai: Nate, there's another reason I'm here.
Nate: What's that?
Kai: Well, I heard that you made some friends and I thought, it seems nice enough here, so why not move?
Nate: Wait, we're...
Kai: We're moving to Blue Valley, permanently.
Nate: What about Bellwood?
Kai: Bellwood was always your dad's hometown. I moved there because it was where he wanted to be. Plus, I was always on the other side of the world, so, it didn't really matter where we lived, as long as we were happy. And, it seems, this is where you're happiest.
Nate hugged his mom.
Nate: Thank you.
Kai: I have a lot to do to make this move, I just thought I'd come by and see how you are first.
Nate: I'm fine, I guess. It's the others that I'm worried about.
On the Chimerian Hammer, a tube filled with orange fluid took up the space once occupied by Vilgax's chair.
Drone: <Healing process complete. Open the tube>
The drones pressed some buttons on a control panel and the tube opened up. A healed Vilgax stepped out.
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Suddenly, the alert of an incoming call occurred. Vilgax answered it to the hologram of Jordan Mahkent.