S1 EP9 - Brainwave

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Nate, Courtney and Pat were in the basement.

Courtney: I could... hear Henry's thoughts in my head. He had no idea what was going on. He was screaming for it to stop. He was so scared. And I was scared, too.

Nate put his hand on her shoulder.

Courtney: I could feel everything he felt. He... He was... lonely, confused. Sad. I wasn't expecting that. He's not like Cindy... or even like his father. Uh... I know what he did to Yolanda was awful... but I wanna ask him to help us. I know it's a risk... but if he can read minds then he could tell us who else is in the ISA. Pat? What is it?

Pat: Nate, you better go home now.

Nate: Pat, just hear her out.

Pat: Go home, Tennyson.

Nate: Fine. I'll see you at school.

Courtney: Bye.

Nate walks up the stairs and leaves.


He gets home to see Blukic and Driba still at the machine.

Nate: How's it going?

Blukic: Good.
Driba: Bad.

Nate: Helpful.

Driba: It'll be done by tomorrow.

Blukic: No, it'll be done in a few hours. It would've been done tomorrow a minute ago.

Nate: Shit, it's midnight already.

Blukic: You should get some rest, kid.

Driba: We'll probably still be working on it when you wake up, so you're not missing anything.

Nate: Thank you, guys. You're the best.

Driba: Indubitably.


The team were discussing Henry in the school gym.

Yolanda: Henry? Are you crazy? How can you even think about having him join us after what he did to me?

Rick: People don't change, Court. On the surface, maybe, but never deep down.

Beth: That's not true. Or fair. Look at all of us. Yolanda. Me. You. We've all changed. Why not Henry?

Yolanda: Henry is his father's son. He didn't think twice about ruining my life. He'll end up hurting all of you.

Rick: I'm with Yolanda. Helping you against Cindy could be a trap. He could be planning to serve us up.

Courtney: Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.

Rick: Right before you fall on your face.

Courtney: I put faith in all of you, and I'm still on my feet. I wish there was another option, but right now, we need every advantage we can get.

Nate: Whether we like it or not, whether he can change or not. We need his help.

Yolanda: I'm not on any team that includes him.

She walks out of the gym.


A hologram of Jordan stood before Vilgax on his ship.

Jordan: You weren't at the meeting.

Vilgax: I had much more important matters to attend to.

Jordan: Like what? Don't forget that this project isn't just for America.

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