Part 4

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Heisenberg's face softened in shock.
"What..? How the hell do you know my name?"

"Don't you recognize me??" Aless cried. "It's me!! You know me!!"
"Know you? I just fucking met you!!" Heisenberg bellowed.
"Hold on!" Aless paused. She fumbled for something in her pocket.
She pulled out a metal object.
The nightlight he gave her.
Heisenberg looked at her, stunned
"It's me, Karl, " Aless choked. A hot tear fell down her face.
Karl took a step. Then another.
"What.. happened to you?" Aless gasped. "Where.. I thought you were dead."
Karl's lip began to tremble.
"What the fuck?? I thought you were dead, " he said.
Aless ran over to him. She opened her arms to hug him when he shoved her off.
"Where the FUCK did you GO?!?" he bellowed. "All those fucking times I went looking for you, you weren't there! It's like you fucking disappeared! And now you want to come back??" he yelled at her angrily.
"I disappeared?!?" Aless raised her voice. "You did!! If you hadn't disappeared, you would have known that I moved away after we thought you were DEAD!"
Karl looked at her in awe. He glared at her, his eyes digging into her soul. Anger flared in his chest.

"Karl!! Look what I found!!" Aless exclaimed. She carried a small frog in her hand. She ran up the steps to the Heisenberg Manor, just beside the factory.
Her short hair swept in the wind as she ran as quickly as she could.
The manor stood tall over her. The wind whistled as her tiny feet pattered on the porch.
She knocked on the door with her elbow. The door swung wide open.
She stepped into the house. It was.. Oddly empty.
Aless began to get a strange feeling.
"Karl?" she called out.
She turned to the kitchen and gasped. There were blood streaks all along the floor, leading to the back door.
Aless gasped. "K-Karl??"
She dropped the frog, who hopped away.
She ran up the stairs. The scent of blood filled her nose.
"Karl!!" she shouted. Fear swirled inside her like a storm. She kept repeating his name as she was searching for him.
"Karl!!" she cried, "Karl!!"
Finally, she ran into his room.
The room was still full of his toys and little trinkets he had made. His desk was full of doodles and drawings, his bed still unmade, no matter how much his mother demanded him to make it.
It was like he just disappeared from existence.
Aless cried profusely. Her sniffles and sobs echoed throughout the room.
She grabbed his pillow and wailed.
"Come back!!!" She pleaded, "please, Karl, come back!!"
Her only safe person, the person she trusted the most, the person she loved with all of her heart, was gone.

Like he just left and never came back.


Karl looked at her. He looked into her pale green eyes. He looked at her hair, which swayed softly in the wind. He thought he would never see her again.
His face softened again.
He grabbed her by the wrist.
"You're coming with me." He growled, his voice low.
"Shut up." He interrupted.
He dragged her away, down into the forest.
"Where are we-"
"Shut. Up."
Heisenberg stopped. His grip tightened on her wrist. He got all up in her face.
"I am a Lord. You are to do as I say, when I say. Do you fucking understand?" He said, dead serious.
Aless pulled away. "Why are you being like this??"
Heisenberg pulled her back. "Don't pull away, or you won't like what comes next." He threatened.
Aless gulped. "You know what?" She said. "I'll take my chances, thank you."
Heisenberg huffed. He glared at her. He knew he couldn't bring himself to hurt her.
"Fine. You made me do this."
He grabbed her by the hips. He pulled her very close.
"What are you-"


He lifted her and swung her over his shoulder.
"What the- put me down!!" Aless yelped.
Heisenberg ignored her.
She pounded at his back. "Put me down! Put me down!"
This continued the entire way. Pretty soon, the two reached the factory.
Soon, Aless grew tired. Her arms felt tired from flailing so much. She just accepted her fate.
He walked his way up the steps to the Manor.
"Tired?" He said, a hint of humour in his voice.
Aless said nothing.
When they arrived at the manor, he set her back down on her feet.
"Stay, " he muttered.
Karl went up to the door and grabbed a set of keys from his pockets. It took him a while to find the right one. When he did, he stuck it in the door lock and turned it. The door swung wide open.
"Come." he said, inviting her into the house.
She went in. It looked almost the same as it did the last time she saw it, only much more cluttered with papers and some bits of scrap metal. Blueprints were rolled up and hidden in the corner in boxes.
He pat his hand on the couch in front of the fireplace. "Sit." he demanded.
Aless reluctantly listened to him.
He sat down beside her, his shoulder brushing against hers.
He took off his army green trench coat, threw it across the room, and rolled up his sleeves.


They sat there in silence for what seemed like 10 minutes.
Heisenberg sighed.
"It, uh, it ain't gonna take long for Dimitrescu to go and tattle to Miranda." He broke the silence.
"So, what are you going to do?" Aless asked.
"I'll just have to make my case. There's no guarantee that you get transferred to me."
Aless looked at him, a bit surprised. "You.. Want me to stay?"
Karl glared at her. "Yes, but you'll still keep your title of servant."
Aless sighed.
"What does it mean?"
"What does what mean?" Heisenberg looked at her, confused.
"That you're a child of Miranda?" Aless asked.
He sighed and put his head in his hands.
"Remember when you said that I disappeared from the Manor?"
Aless nodded.
"The Lycans killed my parents. Mother Miranda took me in and turned me into her weapon. Turned us, all of us, the Lords, into her weapons."

Aless looked at him in shock. "What do you mean, 'weapon'?"
"She implanted a parasite into our bodies, genetically mutating and changing our DNA." He clarified. "Now she's going around calling us her children." He scoffed.
Aless didn't understand why he seemed so bitchy about it. But she just stayed silent.


Suddenly, the phone rang.
"Damn it." Heisenberg said under his breath.
He stood back up and went over to the phone, and picked it up.
"Hello?" He said.
"Yes, this is Heisenberg speaking."
He paused.
"Yes, I've got her here."
He paused again, looking at her.
As he was muttering away at the phone, Aless was pondering. She couldn't stop thinking about when he pulled her in by the waist.
It annoyed her, to say the least.
What had he become? Why is he such an asshole?
".. Yes. We'll, uh, be there."
He hung up on the phone.
"Sure enough." Heisenberg looked at her, pissed off.
"We've gotta be there in a few hours."
Aless sighed.
She was tired.
Her eyes felt heavy as she rubbed them.

Karl looked at her and slightly smiled tenderly, but turned his face straight again when he realized it.
He always knew when she was getting sleepy, even all these years later.
"Are you sure you're not tired? We did come a long way, and you've had a long day."

"What do you care?" She mumbled.
Heisenberg chuckled
"O-kay then." He sat back down, and turned on the television. He pulled out a blanket from the side of the couch and set it beside him. "I'll just leave this here."
Aless glared up at him sleepily. "Give me the blanket."
He smirked as he handed her the blanket, which she wrapped herself up in.
It was warm, and smelled like motor oil and cigars.
He was going on and on about something while lighting a cigar, but Aless wasn't really listening.

"...Y'know? I-"
Heisenberg stopped and looked at Aless.
She was knocked right out.
He gazed at her sleeping, watching her chest rise with every breath, and fall every exhale. Her pale face looked just as she did when she was younger.
She was all cuddled up in the blanket.
He was careful, as not to wake her. He picked her up, slowly, and went upstairs.

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