Part 6

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Aless and Karl had just gotten back to the Manor. The meeting was done.

"So, I'm your servant now, I guess" Aless said, sitting down in one of the chairs in the living room, by the couch.
Heisenberg nodded.
"You're going to be my assistant, in the factory."
Aless's eyes lit up. "You took after your father? Huh, I'm not surprised. You were always incredibly innovative, after all."
Heisenberg leaned on the side table and narrowed his eyes at Aless.
"Rule number one. We don't talk about my.. parents."
Aless looked at her feet. "Oh. Sorry." She muttered.
"You can do whatever you want at the moment. Just don't go outside," Heisenberg walked to the door, intending to head back to his factory. "Oh, and don't even think about escaping. You can sleep in my parent's old room."
He exited the manor. Aless stood back up. She decided not to be nosy and explore too much. That's already proven to be not a very good idea.
She simply just went back to her chambers.

Looking at the bookshelf in the room, she gazed upon the collection of books. They were dusty and worn, and looked like they hadn't been touched in a very long time. Pulling one out and dusting off the cover, the title read:
When She Walked.

She opened the book and sat on the bed.

The book was about a young girl who grew up in a dysfunctional family. The girl wanted to see the world, but was tangled up in the family's fighting and destruction. She was able to escape only through her fantasies.

Soon, Aless was getting tired. It was getting so late, the sun had already set and darkness flooded the sky like a pool of blackness, lit up by tiny speckles of light.
She huffed. Heisenberg hadn't come back home.
She lit a candle sitting in its holder that was on the side table, and looked in the hall.
At the end of the hall, there was a closed door. Light peeked out from the sides of the doorframe, and a shadow moved across the bottom.
Aless went back into her room, and changed into a nightgown resting in the closet. She figured Heisenberg wouldn't care. She also took out the bow, letting her long hair relax and fall softly upon her back.
She snuggled up in the covers and blew out the candle.
And soon she fell asleep.


The next morning she awoke with a sharp jolt.
"Get up." Karl's familiar voice rung out.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"Hurry up and get dressed."
Heisenberg left the room, closing the door. She got ready and went downstairs.
"What's the matter?" She asked.
Heisenberg took a drag of his cigar, which stunk up the room. It was kind of giving Aless a sinus headache.
"You're helping me out at the factory today."


When they arrived at the factory, Heisenberg stood in between the doorway and Aless.
"The rules." He grunted. "Stay on the 3rd floor. If you need to go downstairs for any reason, tell me, I'll go with you. Do not stray from the area. Also, no being nosy." He growled. "Disobey me and you'll be in for a world of pain."
"And what of it if I do? What will you do?" She said, purposely trying to piss him off by asking questions.
Karl sighed. "You won't like it."
They entered the factory. The two went into the elevator and went to the 3rd floor.
"So what do you want me to do?" Aless asked.
"Do you know how to fix up a generator?"
"Ummm... no." Aless answered.
Heisenberg puffed. "Hm."
Aless scoffed "What, it's not like I walk around fixing generators all the time. Of course I don't know"
Heisenberg raised a brow, amused by her clap back. "Just checking."
Aless rolled her eyes when he turned around.
"I guess you can just assist me with building something."
He led her into a room with a desk and shelves, which were filled with boxes of metal. Some sorted, some not.
On the desk, there was a blueprint of something.
"Something I've been working on." He said to Aless, who was curiously looking at it, wondering what it was.
The blueprint was a photo of some kind of fan.
"Go into the next room and grab me the broken fan. I need the center part." He ordered, quickly becoming immersed in his project. He was thinking about how exactly he was going to approach it.
Aless did so. The fan was very large, but it was very obviously broken. The wings of the fan were snapped in half.


Heisenberg started humming while separating the spinning mechanism from the fan. He occasionally would ask Aless sitting by the desk to grab tools and pieces of wire or metal from the shelves.
He kept pushing back his hair, which often would fall right back into his face.
"Don't you ever tie up your hair when you work?" Aless smirked.
Karl jolted, not expecting the question. "Uhh.. no"
Aless laughed at the way he looked at her so timidly and startled. He had his sunglasses off, which revealed his pretty eyes.
She stood up. "Look ahead."
"What are you-"
"Just do it."
Heisenberg sighed annoyedly.
Suddenly, he felt her run her fingers through his hair softly. It sent a shiver down his spine. He reluctantly liked the way she touched his scalp so gently.
"What t- OW, WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelped. She tugged at his hair, pulling it back.
"Aw, you're being dramatic." She giggled.
"Stop that!!! What are you doing?!?" He yelped again.
"Stop being such a baby, and stay still." She said to the man pulling away.
"I'm not being a baby, you're the one pulling my fucking hair!"
"Oh my god. I am not pulling your hair. It doesn't hurt that bad."
Then she let go. His hair sat neatly tied up in a ponytail.
"There. Better?" She said softly, looking down at him.
Karl huffed and looked up at her all pissy, his arms crossed.
She exploded in laughter. "What's that look for?!"
Her hair was down, her soft brown locks swaying as she laughed. Her eyes lit up in amusement, and she had a big smile on her face. One he hadn't seen for a long time. It evoked a warm feeling in his chest, which, too, he hadn't felt in a long time.
Oh shit. No, Karl thought, pushing away the feeling.
He cleared his throat and looked away. "Yeah. Much better. Thank you."
Aless gave him a tender smile, which faded when he gave her a sharp look.
She sat back down.
They continued to work until nightfall. When the night came, they both went back home. Aless would read for a bit and Karl would lock himself away in his room.

It went on for days like this. Occasionally they would have small moments where they exchanged small, nice actions, like a smile or a glance, but it would always end with Karl becoming serious again.


One day, Aless was laying in her bed, reading When She Walked when Heisenberg suddenly knocked on the door.
He slowly opened the door and entered.
Aless set her book down. "Hi."
"I need you to go out to town. Well, more specifically, to Donna's house."
Aless sat up.
"I'm out of clean clothes, and I don't have anything else to wear. Everything's covered with motor oil and shit."
Aless raised her brows. "Can't you just clean them??"
Heisenberg rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I would, but, uh, I'm out of soap."
Aless burst out in laughter. "Pfft. Soap?"
Heisenberg narrowed his eyes at her. "Yes. Soap" he mocked.
Aless looked at him, stunned. "You mean to tell me that the genius engineer, Karl Heisenberg, does not have his own washing machine?"
Karl growled. "It's broken."
"Can't you fix it?"
Karl rolled his eyes. "Look, if you care so much, fix it yourself. I don't have time to do that kind of shit."
"So you just wash your clothes by hand in the sink?"
"In the tub." He corrected. Karl shook his head. "You gonna do it or not?"
Aless walked out of the room, her eyes following Karl. "Fine. But only if you fix the machine."
"I told you I do-"
"Today." Aless demanded. "Or you're gonna have to walk around naked because you have no clean clothes. And dear god, I do not want to see that."
Karl looked slightly offended at that last remark. "Fine."
Aless grinned. "Alrighty. Where do I go?"
Karl pulled out a map from his pocket. "You go down the path, into the forest, into the valley of mist. Go through the bridge, and by the waterfall should be her house."
Aless nodded.
"What about the Lycans?"
"Eh, they shouldn't bother you. They know you're with me. But if something happens.."
Aless leaned in to listen. She hoped he was gonna give him a weapon of some sort.
"..just run."
She looked at him in awe. "Sounds like you care a whole lot about little ol' me." She said, disappointed.
"I don't." Heisenberg lied.
"Mhm. Yeah right. Everyone loves me." Aless teased. "You know, your ears turn red when you lie, right?"
Heisenberg covered his ears and looked at her in shock, until he realized.
"You have ten seconds to get out of my house, you little shit." He snarled, slightly amused.
Aless laughed and ran.
"Ten, nine, eight!"
She bolted down the stairs.
"Seven, six, five,"
She accidentally ran into the kitchen table as she turned the corner. She could hear him slowly coming down the stairs.
"Four, three, two"
She finally escaped his wrath, jumping out of the door just in time, giggling.

Karl looked at the open front door, her footprints marked in the snow as she ran away.
"dieser kleiner Scheißer," Heisenberg chuckled.

(A/N: It's Donna time 😚)

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