Part 11

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Aless and Karl both sat down in one of the tables.
The two chatted for a bit, taking sips of their drinks every now and then.
Angie skittered by.
"A-LESS!!! Can I have a hug??" The doll screeched. Aless chuckled softly and let Angie hop up on her lap.
Karl groaned.
"Ugh, you're friends with the creepy ass doll?"
Aless looked at him, scolding him with her eyes.

"The 'creepy ass doll' is actually very nice. Your dress looks pretty on you, Angie." She cooed, giving Angie the hug she asked for.

Heisenberg was slightly repulsed. Cracks ran throughout the doll's face. Her yellow-brownish eyes darted around, looking at the pretty chandelier that was hanging above them.


"Do you see that guy over there?" Angie said, pointing to a well-refined looking man, sneaking glances at Aless and smiling softly.
"Mhm. What about him?"
"Donna says he likes you." Angie squealed. "You should go dance with him!"
Aless stuttered. He was an attractive man, of course, but she didn't find herself longing to dance with him.
She looked on over to Heisenberg, who was glaring daggers that could have sliced easily through the man.
"Come onnn!! Look, he's coming over!" Angie yelled.

The man treaded over to them, standing upright with poise.
"Hello, Miss. Erm, Hello Miss Angie and, er, Lord Heisenberg." The man greeted nervously.
Heisenberg growled softly. "What do you want?"
Aless kicked him softly and frowned.
"Would you like to dance with me?" The man said to Aless, holding out his hand.
"Oh, why not?" She smiled. "It certainly couldn't hurt."
As she stood up, Heisenberg tugged on her arm.
"Nope. No. Absolutely not. Sit your ass back down." He growled, his voice low.
"What?!? Why?!?" Aless protested.
"Because I said so. Now sit."
Aless shook her head. "I'm going to dance with this very nice man, and you aren't going to stop me"

"Aless." Heisenberg snarled.

Aless turned around and let the man take her hand, pulling her into the crowd.
Jealousy took over Karl. He grumbled in annoyance.
I didn't let her come just to dawdle with those stuck up dipshits.

The man twirled Aless around, making her laugh.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Aless. A-l-e-s-s. People get it wrong sometimes."
The man let out a low chuckle.
"A beautiful name, fitting for such a pretty woman."

Aless blushed slightly. "Thank you."
People chattered all around them. The chandelier above them swung gently, adorned with beautiful crystals and any of the sort.
She was having fun. The two twisted and twirled, left to right, entwined in an enchanting dance.
Then, the man let her go. "You're supposed to go to someone else now," he said, grabbing the hands of another woman. Someone else gently took her hands, and danced too with her. Then another.
She was in the hands of a taller, gruff-looking man, when she let go and was pulled in by the same man who danced with her first.
Aless let out a loud, echoing laugh. "This is fun."
The man smiled. "Indeed it is."

They danced for a bit longer until it was time to switch partners again. The man blew her a quick kiss before finding another woman to dance with, making Aless giggle like a teenage girl.
The strong, familiar scent of cigar filled her nose.

"God damn, finally."
Large, calloused hands twirled her around skillfully.
Aless gasped softly. She wasn't expecting him to take her in.
"This is the last one. You're going back to sit after this." Heisenberg growled in her ear.
Aless grinned. "I didn't know you could dance."
"Eh, I'm a bit rusty, but good enough I guess."
A sense of euphoria filled Aless's heart. Compared to the other men she danced with, dancing with Heisenberg felt... different.
The two moved smoothly together, matching the rhythm of the music's melody.
It felt as if the world froze, and it was only him and her dancing. Timelessly stuck in a never ending loop of nothing but dancing.
Honestly, Aless didn't mind that idea. To be forever trapped in that moment.
Suddenly, Heisenberg dipped her, holding her back to ensure she didn't fall and hit the ground. The two locked eyes, panting evidently. The way Aless looked at him, her hazel eyes peering up at him, like pools of gold honey. Tiny pieces of her hair had come out of place. It tugged at his heart.

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