Part 20

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Just as Aless got home, she changed clothes and flopped down on her bed.
Why could Karl possibly need to have this many meetings in a series of so many days?

She sat up.
Time to do some snooping, I suppose.

Aless slowly and quietly went into Karl's room. She unfolded and looked at some of the blueprints that were put away. They were mostly just old scrapped projects. Not much use.

She went to his desk. It had a printed blueprint on it, with the words Sturm 1.0 written on it in Karl's sloppy handwriting.

The prototype looked like a person with a fan head.
Maybe it's a robot?
The rest of the blue prints had small, unimportant doodles and notes strewn about. The only note that Aless took notice of, was a little doodle of a heart and A + K scribbled inside the heart.
Aless smiled warmly. She looked a bit more around the room, but there wasn't really anything else too important.
There might be something of use at the factory.


Aless wandered off into the factory. She started looking around in the room she and Heisenberg always worked in.
It had been a few hours of looking when she found something hidden inside the desk.
Curious, Aless pulled out the item. It was a notebook.
Something churned inside of her, screaming at her not to open it.
But she didn't listen, and opened the notebook anyways.

February 21st, 2001.

I have finally found a way to properly destroy her.
Possibly the strongest weapon I will ever have.
The Sturm.
I will use the now Cadou infected corpse and replace it's head with an extremely strong chainsaw propeller.
It will be a fine addition to my army. I'll surely get that bitch yet.
I have been granted an assistant to help me with the first prototype of the propeller. She doesn't know what it's for, though.
Miranda will never see it coming.

Aless's breath caught in her throat. Corpse? Cadou infected? Weapon? To destroy who?
She flipped to the next page.

March 13th, 2001.

The prototype is almost finished. All I need to do now is fix the propeller on the head and put in the mechanical heart.
I can't tell her.
She won't understand.
She worships Miranda like everyone else in that damn village does, not knowing who that bitch really is.
She'll get scared. I don't want to lose her again.

A gasp escaped Aless's throat.
The notebook fell from her hands and made a soft clunk as it hit the floor.
She stumbled backwards.
He.. he's taking corpses... and turning them into weapons..?
He has an entire army?

She couldn't stay there any longer.
She bolted out of the room. Anxiety gripped at her throat, at her chest.
She ran mindlessly into the elevator.
She was about to hit the button for the main floor, but stopped.
W..what's on the other floors??

She pressed a button for a random floor. When she arrived, and the doors opened, Aless stepped out into a hall.
What am I doing??

It was almost as if she wasn't controlling her own feet. The place was dark. She could hear faint whirring and the sound of liquid dripping.
There were many, many rooms. But she was too scared to look in them.
Finally, she brought herself to peek in one of them. She opened one of the doors, and was horrified at what she saw.


Sure enough, there was a dead body laying on a table. The room looked like a medical room, with stretchers, tools and whatnot laying about.
It had mechanical modifications all over. It's face was disgusting and disfigured.

"Oh.. oh my god!"
She clutched her chest. Fear filled her heart.
She ran out of there back to the elevator and escaped, out of the factory.
She couldn't stay in there anymore. She couldn't allow herself to look at the horrors that awaited her any longer.
"What has he become...?" She whispered to herself.


The door opened.
"Hey, baby." Heisenberg said, smiling.
Aless was sitting on the couch, starting blankly at the television.
He took off his hat and jacket and sat down beside her.
He was so happy to get out of that disgusting reservoir, he couldn't stay for too long.
He kissed Aless on the cheek.
She just froze.
Heisenberg's face softened.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" He said softly.
"D-d-don't.. Don't call me that." She uttered shakily.
The man looked at her, worried. He looked down at her hands. She was trembling, shaking.
Alarms went off in his head.

"Hey. What happened? What's wrong?"
He tried to wrap an arm around her but she pushed him off.
"No." She said firmly, shaking her head violently.

"What happened??? Talk to me, Aless." He demanded.

Aless looked up at him, her eyes wide with horror.
"What's the Sturm?"

Heisenberg looked at her, blinking.
"It's.. uh-"
"Are you.. are you killing people?" Aless interjected.
"What..? No!" Karl answered.
She backed away further from him.
"Then why are you taking corpses to create a mechanical army?" She asked shakily.
"How do you..? Were you snooping?" Heisenberg asked her. His face contorted to an angry one.
"That's not an answer." Aless said.

"Oh my god. You aren't supposed to know about this."

"Oh my god." Aless squeaked.
"No, no, sweetheart, just calm down-"
"Calm down..? You're killing people and turning them into robots!!" She gasped.
"I am not killing people."

"You are!! What is the army for?? Why are you targeting Miranda?!? Are you trying to kill her?!?" A million things ran through her mind.

"Oh my god. Breathe, Aless, Breathe." He put a hand on her shoulder but she continued to push him away.
"Let me explain. Yes, I'm trying to kill Mother Miranda. She's a horrible person buttercup, you don't under-"
Aless cut him off.
"What!?!? No she's not!!"
"She is. Just, stop fucking interrupting me for a minute and let me explain."
He was trying to keep his composure. But he wasn't very good at it.
"No. No. No. I don't need an explanation. I think I understand." Aless stood up.
"No, Aless, please."

"SIT. DOWN." Heisenberg barked.
She sat back down reluctantly.

He sighed.
"Do you remember when I explained the Cadou to you?"
Aless nodded.
"And how she basically turned me into a mutant?"
She nodded again.
"She experimented on us, Aless. She ripped us away from our families, experimented on us, and deemed us failures all because she wants to revive that damned daughter of hers, and we weren't good enough to be her vessel." He gritted his teeth.
Aless began to sob.
"But why?? Why would she do that?" She sobbed.

"Because she is a monster, Aless. And she turned us all into one, too."

(A/N: a bit of a short chapter, I know :/ but the next chapter is gonna be good, don't worry :D )

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