You save me

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Nakano Residence
Dining Area

Yotsuba: What is this?

Miku: Croquette.

Me: You sure it's not just rocks?

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Me: You sure it's not just rocks?

Miku: I have confidence in its taste. Give it a try.

I take one and eat it.

Me: It's pretty decent.

Yotsuba: It's not very good!

Me: You're quite picky about taste, aren't you?

Yotsuba: You just have bad taste, (Y/N)-baka. Bad taste!

Me: Well, I have appointment with my doctor at Chuo Hospital.

Miku: Appointment?

Me: My headache has gotten worse. I need to take my medicine and have my doctor check up on me.

I start to walk away.

Me:*wave* Don't worry. I'll come here back after my appointment. So try your best to make better croquette.

Chuo Hospital

Me: Is that so?

Doctor: Yeah...

I sigh.

Doctor: It's still not too late, you know?

Me: But I don't have enough money.

Doctor: (Y/N), you're smart. I'm sure there is ways for you to get money.

Me: I know. But it will take time. I'll maybe run out of time before I even get enough money.

Doctor: Don't give up just yet. Try to ask for your friends help. They maybe can help you.

Me:*sigh* Okay.

I stand up and start to walk to the door. When I open the door, I see Nino and Itsuki is waiting in front of the door.

Me: Huh? What are you two doing here?

Nino: Miku and Yotsuba said that you went to Chuo Hospital to take your medicine and have your doctor check up on you.

Me: So...?

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