Mr. Nakano

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A Mall

What I'm doing in a mall? Well, long story short, Nino and Yotsuba asked me with their shopping.

I was bringing a sack of rice.

Me: Why you guys brought me too?

Nino: There's a sale today. And since you are a man, we brought you so you can help us bring the rice.

She said while walking beside me. Yotsuba was the one that pushing the trolley.

Me: Why I'm not surprised?

I then noticed there were lot of black chocolate in the trolley.

Me: Isn't the black chocolate a bit much?

Yotsuba: It's a request from Miku. It's still only January so she's a bit ahead of herself.

Nino: Anyway, let's go checkout.

Suddenly Yotsuba ran away from us.

Yotsuba: Gotta use the restroom!

We just sighed and continued walking with Nino pushing the trolley.

Nino: (Y/N)-boo, I want to ask something.

Me: What?

Nino: In that movie that you and Ichika acted together. During the scene on the bridge, you said that you're gonna go to Stanford University and you're gonna take law course. Was it part of the script or...

Me:*sighs* Well, I want to tell you later, but since you already ask... That wasn't part of the script.

Nino: I see.

We continued walking quietly.

Me: I've been accepted to Stanford and I'm gonna skip a year to study abroad.

Nino: What?!

She stopped walking and looked at me in disbelief. I tried my best to not make eye contact with her.

Me: I'll leave in four months.

Nino: So in four months you'll leave us for four years?

Me: You can put it like that.

Nino: Did the other four already know about this?

Me: Well...

She took my chin and forced me to look at her in the eyes.

Me:*sighs* Ichika only know about I'll go to Stanford, but she didn't know I'll leave in four months. The other three still didn't know anything.

Nino: When you're gonna tell them?

Me: I dunno. The last day of our future field trip maybe?

She let go of me and continued pushing the trolley.

I just followed her from behind.

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