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Three Days Later
Nino POV

Itsuki: So, we're going to visit (Y/N) at the hospital after school, right?

Me: Yeah.

Ichika: I can't believe he hide about the brain tumor from everyone.

Me: Dr. Asaki said that he already asked (Y/N) to ask his friends' help, but he still hide it from everyone.

Miku: Maybe he don't like to talk about his personal issue...

Itsuki: But brain tumor can cause death. He shouldn't hide it from everyone. He should at least talk about this to us or someone else.

Yotsuba: But I don't think he have anyone other than us.

Ichika: Yeah, you're right. I never see him hang out with anyone. He just hang out with us.

Me: He should be more sociable.

Itsuki: Well, at least he survived the surgery yesterday.

Yotsuba: We should bring something for him when visiting him!

Ichika: That's a great idea.

Miku: Should I cook something for him?

Nino: Go ahead if you want to make him stay longer at the hospital.

We stare at each other eyes.

Ichika:*smile nervously* Calm down, you two. It's not a big problem.

Me: Let's have a little contest.

Miku: What?

Me: Both of us will cook something for (Y/N). He'll decide whose cuisine is better.

Miku: Okay.

Me*thought*: What the hell? All of us know that my cooking is better than Miku. So what I'm trying to prove actually?

Chuo Hospital
(Y/N)'s Treatment Room

Me: Ichika, what those two are arguing about?

I ask while looking at Miku and Nino who are arguing about something at the corner of the room. Ichika laugh nervously.

Ichika: Maybe because you said that their their cooking are pretty good.

Me: Well, I just telling the truth.

Yotsuba:*smile* So, how are you doing?

Me: My headache is now gone, thankfully.

Itsuki: So... When will you be able to go back to school?

Me: I don't know. Dr. Asaki will inform me after he confirm my condition.

Ichika:*smile* We hope you get well soon.

Me:*smile* Thanks.

Itsuki: Oh, before I forgot...

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