I'll Make You Mine

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5 Years Ago
Elementary School
My class

Teacher: Like always, (Y/N) is the first in this class for the mid term exam. And Ichiro is in the second place.

Student: Woah, those two are really smart!

Me and Ichiro fistbump.

Me: Still can't defeat me, huh?

Ichiro: Haha, maybe because you're too smart.

Teacher: Well, good job, you two. Now let's talk about field trip.


Student2: Where will we go?

Teacher:*smile* We'll go to Kyoto for the trip.


Teacher: We'll go there by train, of course. And it will be little bit crowded since there will be students from another school that will go there too. So you guys need to be careful not to get lost.

All: Got it!

The bell rings signalling rest time has began.

Teacher: Well, we're going to talk more about the field trip after recess.

All: Okay!

Teacher: See you after the recess.

She left the classroom.

Me: Hey, Ichiro. Want to get some drinks?

Ichiro: Why not?

We walk out from the class.

I'm (Y/N) Hayashi. My older twin is Ichiro Hayashi. Since we are twins and we are in the same class, it's little bit hard for people to recognize which one is Ichiro and which one is me.

We are from a family that I can say rich. I always place first in exams while my twin will be in the second place.

I don't know the reason but it maybe because of our study methods. Ichiro study with books, but not me.

I study english with playing video games. I never study science since I can just think logically. As for japanese, I watched some animes. But for history and math, there is no other way than memorize facts and do some exercises.

Ichiro: Hey, do you hear about quintuplets in our school?

Me: Quintuplets? So they just like us, right?

Ichiro: Yep. But the different is, they're five while we just two. And they're girls.

Me: How do you know they are girls, huh?

He laugh nervously.

Me: You stalker.

Ichiro: Hey, I just saw them once! I never talked with them yet!

When we arrived in front of a vending machine, we see there are five girls are buying drinks.

Me&Ichiro: Speak of the devils.

One of them turn around and see us.

Girl1: Oh, so you're the twins that we always heard of.

The other four look at us too.

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