Test of Courage

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Me: I love you.

Nino's eyes went wide after hearing that.

Me:*smile* Looks like you've won my heart.

Wait, wait, wait. You guys must be wondering how can we end up in this situation, right?

Well, let's have a flashback.

*Screen start to show some scenes in reverse*

1 day after they found out Ichiro

Well earlier, we found out that the students that joined the camp also spent a night at the same inn as us.

So yeah, now we've arrived the campsite. Ichiro and Aiko live in an inn that not too far away from this campsite since they don't want to go back home just yet. I bet they will pay me a visit.

Right now, I'm sitting beside the guy that tried to ask Ichika to dance with him the other day. We're taking care of rice. I'm wearing the black hoodie that Nino gave to me when I was in hospital.

Me: So, how is life?

Man: Sucks.

Me: Guess so.

Man: How is your relationship with Nakano-san.

Me*thought*: He must be talking about Ichika.

Me: Great.

Man: Lucky you. I still haven't been able to find a partner for the folk dance.

Me: You always got into fights, right?

Man: Yeah...

Me: Well, maybe if you try to change yourself, you'll be able to find your partner.

Man: Right.

Suddenly I hear like someone arguing. I look at my right and see a group of female students are arguing with a group of male students.

Girl1: Why did you guys burn the rice!?

Girl2: I bet you guys were goofing off and didn't keep an eye on the rice, huh!?

Boy: N-No, we didn't!

Me*thought*: Then why the hell you stuttered?

I sigh and stand up. I start to walk towards them.

Me:*smile* Calm down, you guys.

Girl3: Shiro-kun!

Girl4: Shiro-kun, those guys burn the rice!

Me: So that's the problem, huh?

I look at Nino who is taking care of curry.

Me: Hey, Nino!

She look at me.

Me: Can you come over here for a second?

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