Stay Over

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That Night
Nakano Residence
Living Room

Me: Well, if you guys are ready, we can start now.

Miku: (Y/N)-kun, I'd like to ask something.

Me: Oh, what is it?

I said as I take a seat beside her. I can see that she's blushing slightly.

Miku: Wh-What type of girl do you like?

Me&Yotsuba: Huh?

Ichika:*suprised face* What?

Yotsuba:*raise her hand* I also want to know!

Me: Well, if you guys really want to know...

Suddenly image of Akane appear in my head. I smile little bit.

Me: Well, how about this? I'll reveal only one each time you girls finish a page of homework.

And just like that, they start to do their homeworks.

Me*thought*: I don't intend to take advantage on their curiosity. It's more fun like this.

Yotsuba raise her hand.

Yotsuba: Here, I'm done!

Me: The first one...

I remember all the clothes that Akane always wear and bought for me.

Me: Have a good fashion taste.

Ichika: Okay! Next!

Me: That's fast. Well the second one...

I remember Akane's cooking which is very good.

Me: Good at cooking.

Miku: I'm finished.

Me: Okay... That's really fast. Now, the last one...

I remember Akane's last smile.

Me:*smile* Always smile.

I look at Miku.

Me: What's with tha expre-

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Me: What's with tha expre-

Ichika: Whoa, incredible. Miku finished all her homework.

Me: Oh, is that so?

I go closer to Miku and put my right hand on his head while smiling.

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