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(A/N): Updated early since I'll be busy in the morning.

The Same Day
Receptionist Counter

I just got out from the hotspring because the situation was little bit awkward since Mr. Nakano and dad were in there together.

And right now, I'm standing in front of the quintuplets'grandfather.

Me: I overheard your conversation with your son-in-law yesterday.


From what I heard yesterday, gramps don't have much time left.

I then bowed in front of him.

Me: Thank you for everything.

Grandpa:... My granddaughters are my last hope, now that I've lost Rena. Please... Tell my granddaughters to be themselves.

Me:... Gramps, they will be able to overcome your death too. Even though I haven't known them for long, I can guarantee that they're strong.

I stood up straight and smiled at him.

Me:*smiles* I'll leave Japan for four years, but I'll try my best to come back here and make memories with you. And when that time comes...

Grandpa: When that time comes, you can easily tell them apart, right?

I just smiled at him.

A few days later
The Cafe

Manager: So... We'll be conducting an interview today. I'd like to begin by thanking you for applying.

 I'd like to begin by thanking you for applying

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Me: Why are you two applying here?

Nino:*looks at Miku* I'd like to know why she's here as well.

Manager: I'd like to hire both of you if I could. However, I'm barely making money thanks to that shitty bread shop across the stress. So there's only one opening. But if (Y/N)-kun were to quit.

Me: How about you're the one that quit and let me be the manager?

Miku stood up.

Miku: I want to bake cakes.


Manager: Oh, is that your specialty? In tha case...

Nino: W-Wait! I'm much better at it than she is!

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