Do my best

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The Next Day
Nakano Residence
Living Room

Yotsuba: I'm married! Please congratulate me!

Me: Umm...

Ichika: Congratulation~~

Miku: So, my turn.

I look on the table in front of me and realize they are talking about board game.

I look at my money

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I look at my money.

Me: I'm still poor even in a game.

I sigh.

Me: This is not the right time to play.

Ichika: But you have learnt a lot today, let's have some rest.

Yotsuba: My head is about to explode.

Me: Even so...

Me*thought*: This job is not just for me... It's for these five too. Can we all reach the goal?

Miku: (Y/N)-kun?

I look at her.

Miku:*worry face* You look more insecure than usual... Are our grades are at such dangerous state?

I just look at her and the other two.

Me*thought*: I don't think I need to tell them about it. It will put more pressure on them.

Ichika: I have an idea!

???: Ah!

We look at the voice direction only to see Nino is walking at us.

Me: Ni-

Nino:*look at me* I want to play too. Can you go out and let me play?

She then look at my in-game-money.

Nino:*shocked* Woah, you have so little money left!

She turn around.

Nino: Are you also playing?

I look behind and see Itsuki. She glare at me before start to walk upstair.

Itsuki: I have to study, keep playing without me.

Me*thought*: Did she study for me or herself? I can't tell.

Nino suddenly start to push me from behind to the exit door.

Nino: You too, your tutoring job is done, right? Just go home already.

Me: Who said I'm done?

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