I Love You... And Forgive Me

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In the same forest
Nino POV

Suddenly my torchlight light off. I'm using my phone as my torchlight.

Me: I must have forgot to charge this thing.

I then realized something.

I'm all alone in a dark forest.

Me: Noooooo!

I start to run.

After a few minutes running, I fall on my knees and panting heavily.

Me: This is the worst.


???: There you are.

I turn around and see (Y/N).

Me: (Y/N)-boo...

(Y/N):*smile* Finally found you, Nino.

Me: Sorry for making you worry...

(Y/N): It's all right.

He help me to get up but...

He help me to get up but

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(Y/N): Crap. Sorry, I should be careful.

I look down at the ground while blushing like crazy.

Me*thought*: I can't be mad at my prince. It's an incident after all.

(Y/N): Here, take this and tie it around your hip to cover the part that got torn.

He said and give me his hoodie leaving him in a long sleeve black shirt.

(Y/N): Hey, do you hear me?

Me: Oh, sorry.

I take his hoodie and follow his order.

(Y/N): You are not hurt, right?

Me: N-No, I'm not.

(Y/N): Then let's go. We need to find Itsuki.

Me: Right.

We start to walk.

Me*thought*: We're alone in a forest but he doesn't even try to do anything on me and focus on searching for Itsuki. He's very gentle... How can I not fall for him from the very start?

Me: Hey, (Y/N)-boo.

(Y/N): Hmm?

Me: What did you felt when I treated you like... Garbage...?

(Y/N): Oh, well... I honestly felt pissed but I understand why you treated me like that. You just want to protect your sisters from a total stranger.

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