Will He Be Happy?

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(Y/N)'s Home
Nino POV

Aika:*smile* Thank you for helping.

Me&Miku: It's all right.

Aika: Where is the other three?

Me: They're playing with Aiko-chan, I assume.

Miku: We don't know about (Y/N)-kun.

Aika: He must be helping Ichiro with his work. It's like what (Y/N) said in hospital, they are twins and both of them are smart. But (Y/N) is smarter that Ichiro.

Me: I thought he just wanted to make joke of Ichiro by saying that.

Miku: Mm-hmm.

???: Well, we two are not like you guys. You guys complement each other. I have my subject that I weak at while (Y/N) is really good at all subjects.

We look at the voice direction and see Ichiro... Yeah, I think he's Ichiro. There is lot bruises on his face.

Me: What's with that bruises?

Ichiro:*nervous laugh* It always happen when I asked (Y/N) to teach me how to draw. Don't worry.

He walk to fridge.

Ichiro: You know, I just realized something.

Me: What?

Ichiro: (Y/N) is like you five mix together.

Miku: What do you mean?

Ichiro: Describe your sisters one by one for me.

He take out a water bottle and drink the water.

Me: Ichika is the most popular one amongst us.

Miku: Nino has a sharp tongue and talks bluntly when confronting others, even to her sisters.

Me: Miku is not so sociable.

Miku: Yotsuba always happy and always careless.

Me: Itsuki is the most serious one.

Me and Miku then realize it.

Aika:*smile* And if you mix all of that together...

Me&Miku: And the result is (Y/N).

Ichiro put the water bottle in the fridge back before speak to us again.

Ichiro: (Y/N) is popular. He has blunt tongue in case you don't know. He's not sociable. He always happy and can be careless too. And he also can be serious. Why I suddenly brought this up? Because I want you guys to make (Y/N) happy. If you guys know him better, it should be easy, right? Well, I better go back to (Y/N) before he beat my ass again.

He walk out from the kitchen.

Me*thought*: Should I tell (Y/N) about it? Should I tell him thay I actually... Like him? If I tell him, will he be happy?

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