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My family house
Living Room

The shooting has completed. In the movie, I'm serial killer and Tamako a.k.a Ichika's boyfriend.

In the movie, I managed to kill all Tamako's friends before got arrested because of Tamako. People in the movie thought they died because of a "curse".

And a lot has happened during the shooting. Yeah... A lot...

Aiko was switching TV channels.

Aiko: Isn't that (Y/N) onii-chan and Ichika onee-san?

Me&Ichiro: Huh?

We turned our attentions towards the TV.

My jaw dropped. It was the movie.

Me: Crap.

Ichiro: Okay, this is getting interesting. Don't forget to record it, Aiko.

Aiko: Okay!

Me*thought*: No! That scene!

Aiko: They kis-

I quickly cover both of her eyes with my hands.

Ichiro:*record the scene* Okay, it's getting more and more interesting.

Me: Ichiro! I'll kill you!

Ichiro: Hahaha! Anyway, did the other four know that you kissed Ichika in the movie?

I removed my hands from Aiko's face before answering his question.

Me: Well... We've discussed with the other four during the shooting for the scene. And yeah... They allowed it.

Ichiro: And since when you become an actor?

Me: Long story.

Ichiro: Anyway, what's your role in the movie? Wait, no. I want to watch it myself.

I just sighed.

After the movie end

Ichiro: You're the worst. How can you do that to Tamako-chan?

Me: Shut. Up. It's not me who made the script and plots.

Suddenly my phone went off.

I looked at the caller's name.

It was Ichika.

I sighed and answered the call.

Me: Yes?

Ichika:*nervous laugh* You remember the promise I made with you to not let my siblings watch the movie?

Me: Yeah...

Ichika:*nervous laugh* Sorry, I failed.

I then hear her siblings voice.

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