Part-Time Job

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The Next Day
Class 3-1

Me: Okay, so we're in third-grade now.

The same student from yesterday spoke.

Student: President Hayashi, your voice is too soft. We can't hear you. Please speak louder, yeah?

Me*thought*: I still don't have any idea who the heck are you, so why the hell you're acting like you're an important character? And why the hell you're sitting at the MC's seat?

Me: Well! Since I've been forced into this, let me just be honest. Like you guys know, I won't be long in Japan. So...*smiles* Even though I'm the male rep, if you guys throw ton of works to me, I'll punch you myself. You guys never saw me when I'm pissed before, and it's better if it stay like that until I go to Stanford.

Quintuplets*thought*: Haha... He must still be mad because we forced him to be the male rep.

Me:*smiles* Even so, I'm still the male rep. So if you need help with anything, just come and meet me. The times that we spend together in school is as precious as gems. It's not something you can get back once you leave it. So let's enjoy our final year to the fullest.

All: Yeah!

After School
The Cafe

Me: Oh, it's today?

Nino: Y-Yeah. Seems like I'll start in the kitchen. By the way, what do you think of this hairstyle?

Me:*takes picture* Yeah, it's good and suitable for work

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Me:*takes picture* Yeah, it's good and suitable for work.

Nino: What was that picture for?!

Me: It's a lifetime opportunity.

Nino:*pinches my cheek* What was that, (Y/N)-boo?

Me: Ow! Okay, I'll delete the photo!

Me*thought*: After I upload it to the Cloud.

She let me go.

Nino: Whatever. If it makes (Y/N)-boo took a picture of me, then it means that it's better than good.

Me:*sends the photo to Ichiro* Sounds ridiculous but acceptable.


I opened the notification.

Ichiro: Good luck. And don't "mess around" with each other too much. I'll come if I have time.

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