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The Next Day
P.E. Period
Track and Field Ground

Maeda: You're good at sport, aren't you? Why did you give excuse saying you're not feeling well?

Me:*sleepy* I wanna sleep... *dozes off*

Maeda*thought*: He dozed off...!!

Maeda: Hey, don't fell asleep when we're having a conversation!

He said while shaking my body.

Me: What...?

Maeda: Don't "what" me and stay awake!

He said and stopped shaking my body.

Maeda: Anyways, I heard your 50 meters dash record is 7 seconds, right?

Me: Yeah... I think so...


Maeda POV

Teacher: Nakano-san, 6.9 seconds!

Me: Oh, she beat your reco...

Before I could finish my sentence, I noticed that (Y/N) has stood up and there was... Fire around him...

Me*thought*: What the heck? He got fired up in all of sudden!

(Y/N): Sensei, let me try too.

Teacher: (L/N)? But didn't you say-

(Y/N): I'm fine now.

Nino POV

Me&My siblings: Didn't he say he isn't feeling well?

Teacher: Well... If you said so...

(Y/N) took off his P.E. jacket and started to jog to the starting line.

The teacher blew the whistle and (Y/N) instantly sprinted to the finish line faster than Yotsuba.

He reached the finish line in...

Teacher: (L/N)-san, 4.1 seconds!

Classmate 1: Woah!

Classmate 2: He beat Nakano-san's record!

Classmate 3: Forget about Nakano-san, he beat Usain Bolt's record for 50 meters dash!

Yotsuba: (Y/N)-kun sure is fast! I wonder what makes him got all fired up!

Me& The other three:*looks at her* Yeah... We think the same thing too...


Teacher:*looks at me* How about joining Olympic?

Me:*picks up my jacket* Hell no. That sounds like it needs ton of works.

Teacher:*sighs* Anyways, are there are any of the P.E. committee around? I need someone to clean this up.

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