Return III

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The Next Day
Nino POV

Ichika: Finally, it's the day...

Yotsuba: Will we be all right?

Itsuki: We did all we could.

Miku: Yeah.

She then looks at a clock.

Miku:*looks at a clock* Ten more minutes.

Me: Then everyone, I wish you luck.

Yotsuba: Hmm? Where is (Y/N)-baka?

Itsuki: He's calling Ichiro-kun, he said.

Me: At this time?

Itsuki: Probably something that has to be done right now. I mean it's so important until he need to borrow my phone because his phone is out of battery.

On the rooftop

Right now I'm calling the quintuplets' dad on the rooftop. I didn't tie my hair right now.

Me: Yes, it's true that those five have been studying very hard.

Mr. Nakano: I see. Thank you for your report. Then please do your best in the final exam.

Me: And while we're at it, please fulfill this selfish request of mine.

Mr. Nakano: What is it?

I quiet for a few moments.

Me: I want to resign as their tutor.

Mr. Nakano: Huh?

Me: They have been doing their best, you know? I can even say that they spent most of their Saturday studying in front of the desk. However, I still don't think that much is enough for them to avoid bad grades. I offered them a desperate plan in the last minute... But I already know that there is no one between them will rely on such a thing.

Mr. Nakano: I remember that they haven't reached the quota this time.

Me: Yes, however, they should be able to avoid bad grades in their normal pace. All of this was happened because of my shortage.

Mr. Nakano: I see. Well, I don't have any reason to stop you either. Sorry for troubling you with this. I will send you this month's payment later. Then ex-

Me: How about you tutor them yourself?

Mr Nakano: Ah...

Me: I have a limit on what I can do as their tutor. And I'm sure there are things that only their father can do.

Mr. Nakano: Unfortunately, I'm too busy to do that. Besides, I don't need other people to tell me how to treat my family.

Me: Is that so? Then let me ask you something. Did you ever come home recently?

Mr. Nakano:.....

Me: Did you know Nino and Itsuki had a fight and left the house?

Mr. Nakano: This is my first time hearing this. Is it over now?

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