Happiest Year

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Later That Day

Me: Phew.

Maeda: Man, the forecast said it would be clear. If some unlucky jerk brought this rain with them, they'll have hell to pay!

Takeda: It can't be helped.

We talked while walking to our room.

Takeda: But it's truly a shame since this is your last night with us, Hayashi-kun.

Me: Yeah... I even need to leave before the school trip ends tomorrow since my flight is on 12 p.m.

Maeda: Seriously?

Me: Yeah... My family will pick me up tomorrow and we'll go to the airport.

Takeda: I see.

Then the same teacher who asked me to be a facilitator the other day approached us.

Teacher: Ah, Hayashi-kun. I've been searching for you.

Me: Is something wrong?

Teacher: Kind of. I want you to meet me at the lobby tonight at 8.

Me: What is it about?

Teacher: It's something important and it's not good to discuss it in public.

Me: Well, okay then...

Teacher: Oh, and I happened to hear what you said earlier. You're gonna leave tomorrow, right?

Me: Yeah.

Teacher: I see. Well, it will be a great loss for our school, but I wish you the best of luck.

Me:*smiles* Thanks. I'll visit the school each time I come back here.

Teacher:*smiles* Glad to hear that.

She said and walked away.

Me:*continues walking* So, anyone know why the teacher wanted to meet me?

Maeda&Takeda: Beats me.

Me: Well, whatever. I wanna get change fast so I'll take the shower first.

Maeda: Hah? I'm gonna take the shower first.

Me: Not a chance.

Takeda: I won't back down too, you know?

And with that, we started to run to our room while pulling and pushing each other.

That Night
8 p.m.

Me: Maeda and Takeda are not in the room. I wonder where they gone?

I asked myself while walking towards the lift.

When I arrived, I pushed the button and waited for the lift to arrive.

As I was waiting, my phone went off.

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