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A Night
A Cafe

Mr. Nakano: Hayashi-kun, I believe this is the first time we meet in person, correct?

Me: Yeah.

We two took a long sip of our drink while staring at each others' eyes.

Mr. Nakano:*put down his drink* Let me get straight to the point.

Me: Go ahead.

Mr. Nakano: Please resign as their tutor.

Well, I'm sure you guys are wondering how we end up in this situation.

Like last time, let's have a little flashback.

*Screen start to show some scenes in reverse*

This Morning
My Class

Teacher: (Y/N) (L/N)-kun.

I stood up and walked to him to take my final exam's results.

I took a quick look at my results before putting the paper in my pocket.

Me: Sensei, can I go to restroom?

Teacher: Go ahead.

I walked out from my classroom.

But instead of going to restroom, I went to the stairs that lead to the rooftop.

When I arrived, I slammed the door behind me close.

I sighed in relief.

Me: That relieved my anger.

I took out my phone while walking around and called Ichiro.

Ichiro: Moshi moshi.

Me: Hey.

Ichiro: Do you need anything?

Me: Nah, just want to ask how is your results for your final exams.

Ichiro: Hahaha, well, my results are just like always.

Me: I see. How about we meet up at the cafe I work at after school?

Ichiro: Sounds good. See ya later then.

Me: Yeah, see ya.

We ended the call at the same time.

Me: Well, I think I'm gonna hang out here until school ends.

After School
The cafe

Me: Well, I think you three know what I want from you guys.

Miku:*smiles* Of course.

She showed me her results.

She showed me her results

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