Field Trip III

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The Next Day
Kiyomizu-dera Temple
Itsuki POV

Yotsuba: Woo... You can see all the way to the station!

Itsuki: Ugh... What if we were to fall off? The railing... I remembered it being taller than this.

Yotsuba: Ahaha, it's just that we're the ones who got taller.

Suddenly her hand that was on the railing slipped.

Yotsuba: Just kidding.

Me: Please don't do that!

Yotsuba: Sorry, sorry...

???:*whistles* Nice view.

We turned around and saw (Y/N). He was wearing the clothes that me, Yotsuba, and Aiko chose for him.

(Y/N):*looks down* This place sure is high.

Me: Oh, (Y/N)-kun.

Yotsuba: On the second day we're meant to move around in groups if I'm correct. Are you not with your friends?

(Y/N): Oh, yeah. We splitted up so we can find the voyeur easier. Well, of course at the same time we visit places that we wanted to go.

Me: You sure take the issue seriously.

(Y/N): I have no choice, after all. Anyways, where the other three?

Me: Well... We splitted up too, actually. Miku and Nino are together while Ichika is with her friends.

(Y/N): I see. Oh, and I actually noticed that the teachers have went into and out of the ballroom for quite some time since yesterday. Do you guys know what is it about?

Me&Yotsuba: Erm, n-nope! We don't know anything!

(Y/N): Oh, okay then...

We then started to hang out together.

After about an hour, I asked (Y/N) a question.

Me: Hey, (Y/N)-kun. We went to the same elementary school, right?

(Y/N): Hmm? Yeah.

Yotsuba: Oh, oh, I still remember when we first met!

(Y/N): You mean when you guys took time to buy drinks and then I lent my money to Nino since she didn't have enough money? Yeah, I remember it too.

Me&Yotsuba*thought*: So thorough!

Me: Oh and Nino told us that you two spent a whole day here during our field trip six years ago.

(Y/N): Well, yeah. I even gave her my phone that time since she took a lot of pictures already. It'd be a shame if she can't keep it. That's what I thought that time.

Me: That's a very kind of you.

(Y/N): Yeah. And I was actually really surprised when I found out that you guys have been transferred to another school.

Yotsuba: Oh, yeah... About that...

Me: Well, after mom passed away, our current dad took us in and decided to transfer us to a school that belongs to one of his acquaintances.

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