National Mock Exams

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A night before national mock exam
Our house
Living room
Nino POV

Me: Ah, that's tiring.

I said and put my pen down.

Ichika:*yawns* Yeah...

We were studying together for tomorrow.

Yotsuba: What do you think (Y/N)-kun is doing?

Miku: Maybe studying.

Me:*turn on my phone* I bet he's sleeping.

I opened Instagram and...

Me: And he's doing live right now on Instagram. What is he thinking?

Miku: How many people watch his live?

Me:*clicks his live* Hmm... 10k viewers.

It seemed like (Y/N) was drawing something while answering questions that his followers asked.

Itsuki: I don't know he is that popular...

Me: Well, after the news about the seminar spread out all over the internet, (Y/N)-boo's popularity has increased drastically.

Ichika: I see. What is he doing, by the way?

Me: Drawing something.

All of them then came closer to me to look watch the live.

"Hey, try to sing something".

(Y/N): Eh? Singing? But I'm not so good, you know?

Me:*smirks* I see.

I start to type something and clicked send.

"You know, (Y/N)-boo. I miss what we did in storage room during our shift."

(Y/N): Okay! I'll sing something! Just stop spewing something that can cause misunderstanding, Nino!

Me:*smirks* Now that's more like it.

Ichika:*nervous laugh* You sure having a good time messing with him.

(Y/N):*sighs* Now where did I put my guitar?

He said and left his table.

Me&My sisters: People with guitar usually can sing, right?

After a few seconds, he came back with an acoustic guitar.

(Y/N): Let's see...

He started to adjust the guitar.

(Y/N): Yep, this should be.

He started to sing.

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