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An inn
Ichiro POV

Me: Are you done, Aiko?

Aiko: Mm-hmm.

She said while drying herself with a towel. She just come out from bath.

Me: Well, I've ordered some foods. The foods is on the table over there. Make sure to eat it. I need to go get something from the car.

Aiko: Got it.

Me: Make sure don't leave the room. And lock the door.

Aiko: Okay!

I walk out from the room and close the door.

Me: I better not to get caught.

Before I can take a step forward, a voice that I really know greet me.

???: (Y/N)-baka?

Yotsuba! I freeze in my place and try my best not to look at her.

Yotsuba: I thought you are in the room with the others?

Me*thought*: Ah crap. If I run it will make thing worse.

I look in front. On my right is a wall and on my left is where Yotsuba is. And there is a corridor in front of me.

There are some windows along the corridor.

Yotsuba: Hey, why you just quite?

Me:*husky voice* I thin-

Suddenly I hear another voice that I know.

Itsuki: Yotsuba, what are you doing here?

Me*thought*: My chance.

Yotsuba POV

Me: Oh, Itsuki.

I look at her.

Me: I found (Y/N)-baka.

Itsuki: Huh? What do you mean? He's in the room all the time.

Me: No, I'm serious!

I look back at where (Y/N) is but see no one there.

Me: Ehh?!

Itsuki: It must be your imagination.

Me: No, I'm sure it's him!

I rush at the spot that (Y/N) was standing earlier and realized there is another corridor.

Me: He must ran that way! I'll chase after him!

I said and start to run to the way that I assumed where (Y/N) ran to.

Itsuki: Hey, wait for me!

Ichiro POV

Me: Phew. Manage to run away.

Right now I'm on the building roof. While Yotsuba talked with Itsuki earlier, I escape through one of the windows and get on the roof.

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