Season 4 - Part 3: Autumn break at Green Gables

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The big moment was there: The train arrived. It still was a long way to Diana and Annes home, but luckily they managed to get a ride from a nice farmer, who was on his way to Avonlea.

The girls got off and said eachother goodbye. "Greet mrs. and mr. Barry for me!" Anne yelled. "See you tomorrow!" Diana waved, and she disappeared behind the trees. Anne was walking fast, companied by the beautiful thought of seeing Green Gables again.
She reached the white fence. Jerry stood there, already waiting for her. "Jerry!" Anne ran towards him. "Bonsoir, madame Anne!" He said with a big laugh on his face. "Entrez-vouz." He opened the door. Anne, who had had many France lessons, answered fluently: "Merci, monsieur." Anne came into Green Gables. "Anne!" Marilla came running towards her. "Oh, I've missed you so much!" Surprisingly bij Anne, the tears streamed down Marilla's face. And soon Anne's eyes became watery too. Matthew came into the house. He was also surprised. For a few minutes, the three of them stood in the parlor, hugging eachother. The moment was interupted because all of the sudden, the room filled up with smoke. "I forgot to extinguish the fire!" Marilla moarned, and ran into the kitchen.

When everything was settled everyone sat down at the dinner table, and again, Anne told all her adventures.

The next morning Anne woke up early. She smiled at the idea that she has a full week at Green Gables in vieuw. Would Gilbert have sent me another letter? Anne thought. The 2 of them were writing eachother every week, to soften the pain of the distance a little bit.
When would she see Gilbert again?

After a nice day of baking, visiting Bash and Delphine, and a long walk across the beautiful hills of Avonlea, Anne searched up a quiet place and went to the stable. "Belle! I've missed you so!" She hugged the horse, who stood there in peaceful silence. Her child was behind her, rolling in the straw." Anne laughed, o you dummy!"

Then she realized she wasn't the only one laughing. A noise of laughing people came from the attic. Anne climbed up the ladder with great curiosity. Then her eyes became as big as plates. "Anne! What are you doing here?" Jerry said. Followed by an awkward, painfully voice " O Hi Anne, I was looking for you."

Diana and Jerry sat there, awkwardly between the hay bales. Anne was so shocked that she screamed. Diana became red and looked shamefully at Jerry. Afterwards Anne laughed: "Well I'm just going to assume that you were giving Jerry reading lessons." Anne winked. Diana came down the ladder and left poor, schocked Jerry behind. " Bye Jerry!" Both girls said brutally.

The girls walked out the stable and waited till they were out of sight. Then bursting of laughter was heard all over Green Gables.

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