Season 4 - Part 15: The disappearance

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It has been a week and Anne hadn't received any letters from Gilbert yet. She was sad and thought that maybe her letter got lost somewhere on the way to Toronto?
So she wrote again. Another week had passed and still she got nothing back.

It was 2 more weeks till Christmas and then Anne would go back to Avonlea, just like Gilbert. But now Anne started to worry. Did something bad happened to him? Or did his letters also got lost on the way to her?
Anne told her sorrows to Diana who comforted her. "Cheer up Anne, Gilberts letters can come at any moment, maybe it just had some delay. And besides, it's almost Christmas so you'll see him then. Now come on, the girls are going to town to buy some chique dresses for this year, and we're gonna go with them."

In the city Anne had the time of her life and soon forgot about Gilbert.
All the girls were fitting dresses and eventually buying them. Anne was only there for fun, she knew she wouldn't buy one.
She was just looking around, when...

There, at the back of the shop, hung the most beautiful dress Anne had ever seen. It had light-blue puffsleeves, a beautiful white ribbon around the waist and a lovely collar. Anne looked at it with gazing eyes. "So Anne, is this gonna be your dress this Christmas?" Anne came out of her trans and looked around. "Oh Diana, this is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. The fabric of this dress feels like the clouds on a spring day, and it looks like a dress an Angel could've worn before." Diana looked a bit strange at Anne and wondered when she ever had touched a cloud, but she agreed. 
It was a wonderful dress. "I could only never afford it." Diana took her wallet."I'll pay!" Money never was a big deal for her and she insisted on it. Anne smiled at her friend but sighed. "Oh Diana! That's so wonderfully kind of you, but I can't. Marilla already wrote me she's making me a dress right now." Diana smiled. "I know for sure that would be a marvelous dress too." Anne smiled and thought about the dress Marilla made for her when she had her first day at Queens.

Then the moment Gilbert had kissed her took over her mind and Anne fled out of the shop, followed by Diana. "Anne, where are you going?" Anne kept walking fast, saying: "I'm going to the post office. Maybe they have a reason for the delay or his letters weren't delivered by accident."

The girls arrived at the office and Anne asked if there had arrived any letter from someone named Gilbert Blythe. "Well actually, one just arrived this morning, I recall." Said the man behind the counter. Anne sighed with relief. "Can I see it already, the letter is supposed to go to Queens but I suppose your postman still needs to leave. My name is Anne Shirley Cuthbert."
The man went looking for the letter and came back with a serious face. "I'm sorry ma'am. The letter is destined for someone else and supposed to go to Avonlea." I don't see a letter anywhere with your name, I'm sorry."

The color left Anne's face, making her even more pale than before. She ran out of the shop and Diana followed her.

"Why would he sent a letter to his homefront, but not me? What did I do? I have a bad feeling Diana, a really bad one."
Diana was worried for her friend and they went back to Queens.
Anne couldn't sleep that night, and also not the night that followed.

She knew something was wrong.

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