Season 4 - Part 16: Apart

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Gilbert looked at the letters Anne had sent him. The last one was a desperate one, in wich Anne told her concern about him not writing her anymore. 3 weeks went by since the accident had happened and Gilbert wasn't Gilbert anymore. If you saw him now, I don't think you'd recognise him anymore.

What a heartbreak can do to a person.

Gilbert had a pale, small face and dark cirkles around his eyes. When his friends asked what was wrong, Gilbert made up a lie that he suffered a teribble headache. He didn't want them to think he was a weak lovebird. Ofcourse he got all kinds of medicines, he wasn't for nothing at a university for doctors. But he didn't took any of this medicines, not till a label with 'For heartbreaks' would appear, wich didn't happen. The power that Anne had over him, she had his heart and she tortured it. This is what Anne had done to him.

He still tried to move on, but it was hard. He followed his classes but couldn't keep concentrated. Why do humans have feelings? That's what Gilbert had asked himself everytime.
Christmas was only 1 week away, and Gilbert would visit Bash and Delphine again. But he also knew he would see Anne, no matter what. Her and his family would celebrate Christmas together so he couldn't avoid her.

His attention went to the letters again. Maybe he should write her. Tell her what needs to be said. If he did, he wouldn't have to explain it face to face, wich would be a lot easier.

Gilbert took a pen and started writing.

Dear Anne,

We have to.....

Gilbert folded the paper immediately when he saw what he had written. No, this wasn't it. Again:


The reason I haven't wrote to you is because I know what you're up to when I am not there.
I'm just saying that I have always loved you, and unfortunately I still do. You broke my heart and I hope that after Christmas, our ways will part forever. It would be easier for me to not see you anymore, ever.


Gilbert laid down his pen with shaking hands and tears dripped on the letter.
After that he packed his bags and prepared for the long trip all the way to Avonlea.

Anne with an E season 4Where stories live. Discover now