Season 4 - Part 18: The distrust

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Anne knocked hard on the door. When the door opened she found a surprised Bash behind it. "Anne." He looked very serious and wasn't happy to see Anne at all. "Long time no see. Can I help you?"
Anne swallowed. "Yes, I need to see Gilbert right now." Her voice cracked and Anne was shaking all over her body.
"Ok, I will get him for you." Bash closed the door in Annes face and she stood waiting in the cold, trying to hold in her tears. Bash didn't like her either? What?

The door opened again. "Gilbert isn't able to see you right now." Bash said, wanting to close the door again. Not understanding a single thing, Anne got really, really mad. She felt furious. What was it with these people? What had she done?

"FINE, if he isn't capable of seeing me, then I will see HIM."

Anne slipped through the door, right past Bash. She fled up the stairs and went to Gilberts room with loud steps.
She bursted into his room. "What do you think you are doing? WHAT is WRONG with you?? You're just gonna ditch me for NO reason? You know, I really thought that......"

Gilbert turned around and Anne wasn't able to speak again. He looked worse than ever. His eyes were red, with dark circles around it, like he hadn't slept for ages. His face was slumped and the natural blushes on his cheecks were totally gone.

"Gi-Gi-Gilbert.. What happened?" Anne ran towards him and put her arms around him. For a moment Gilbert gave in, but then he roughly pushed her away.

He looked her deadly in the eyes,  but Anne could still see a fiery pain behind it. 
"Just why.. why Anne. Why wasn't I good enough for you?"
Anne thought she turned insane. "What are you talking about? I just don't get it!"


After saying that Gilbert fell to his knees and Anne immediately lifted him up and laid him on the bed. "Gilbert, slow down! I don't know what you've been through but I haven't seen Jerry since autumn break. And why wouldn't I love you?" Gilbert looked so vulnerable, laying there, almost to weak to speak. "I.. you... I caught you and Jerry kissing. I heard it." Annes eyes turned wide open. "Gil, what are you thinking? I've never kissed Jerry, why on earth would you think that?"

"Because I heard it, and when I run into your room Jerry sat there, and you walked away in the distance." "What..." Anne softly whispered and began to sob. In a moment, Anne thought about what Diana had said before. "No! No Gilbert that wasn't me! You have to believe me! It were..." Anne shut her mouth. She had sworn to her bossom friend she wouldn't tell anyone about her and Jerry's relationship. It didn't matter anyway, because when Anne looked at Gilbert again, he laid fast asleep.

Anne was in shock. How could Gilbert think that she would EVER love someone else? He was her everything. And now he thought she and Jerry were a thing?! What a bad misunderstanding at the most terrible time.

Anne stood up and ran out of the house, crying.

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