Season 4 - Part 14: Gilbert's plan

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Gilbert smiled. He had a plan, a great plan, a marvelous suprising plan. He was in an extremely good mood and stepped on the ferry.

Today he would visit Anne unexpected. He had an important reason to do it and he was very nervous. He was so excited to see Anne and he knew Anne would be excited too to see him too. It's been awhile since he left. Too long, If you'd ask Gilbert. Christmas was in a month, but Gilbert just couldn't wait till then. After the weekend with Anne, he realized more than ever that he and Anne were made for eachother. Ofcourse he already knew that, he had loved Anne since the day he met her. He only didn't confess it to himself back then. But that moment, when his wagon got stolen and he couldn't do anything against those bad men, who also hurted Anne, he knew he never wanted to loose her, ever.

He looked at the ring his mother left him.

He would propose to Anne. He knew that they were young, but he was for sure. No one would ever mean as much to him as her.
He couldn't believe he almost gave the ring to Winifred. And he didn't dare to image what his life would've looked like if he had
done it. He was so thankful he had met Anne, and that she loved him back.

Gilbert nervously stood for the building, thinking about their first kiss, wich happened exact at the place where he stood right now. He couldn't help feeling butterflies and he smiled.

Today he would take Anne to the beach, and after that they would walk on the great cliffs, having a beautiful view over the sea.
And then, when she would look at it with her amazed eyes, He would propose to her. Gilbert imagined it all and got really nervous again.

He walked into the building and went straight to Anne's room.
He heard giggles from the other side of the wall and chuckled. That must be Anne and Diana, they always laughed about everything. He was just about to knock when he heard the sound of kissing.

Whaat?? Gilbert was very surprised and shocked at the same time. Did he hear it wrong? But then again the sound came through the door, followed up with a male voice saing: "Ma belle Chérie."

Gilbert knocked at the door aggressively and as soon as he saw it wasn't locked, he ran into the room. Gilbert found Jerry, all alone in the room, his hair messy and looking sheepish. "Euh, hi! Who are you?" Jerry said, thinking the strangers face looked very familiar. He only couldn't come up with where he had seen it before. Gilbert ignored his question and noticed the open window. He walked towards it and looked outside.

There, in the distance walked Anne.

His Anne.


Gilbert was in total shock. He felt his heart shattering in pieces. How could his Anne cheat on him with the farm boy? Gilbert wasn't able to think normal. He thought he and Anne were meant to be, that Anne loved him! Everything went vague, and Gilbert ran away, away from the building and drove back to where he came from.

Anne walked to the entrance of the building, looking at a wagon driving away in the distance. Hm, that's strange, who would visit at this time of the year? Was it the postman? What a strange time. But Anne didn't bother and went to her room. There she saw Diana on the bed, giggling when she saw Anne. "Oh Anne, it was an amazing day! We walked, Jerry looked so amazing in his suit, we even kissed... multiple times." Diana said with a grin and Anne came sitting next to her in full excitement. "I'm so happy for you two, I knew everything was gonna be alright, you two are kindred spirits, I just knew it."

Then a cold breeze came into the room and Anne shivered. "Diana, why is the window open?" Diana bursted out in laughter. "Oh Anne, it was so dangerous. Jerry and I sneaked into the building because it was getting cold outside. It was so scary to do it because anyone could see it. We entered through the window, what an adventure it was! And you'll never guess what happened after! Someone knocked on the door and I had to jump out of the window and ran away as fast as I could. Jerry was too late and sat there. He said a strange boy came into the room he didn't know, and the boy also didn't talk to him. He only looked outside the window and then left. He probably went in the wrong room I guess." After Diana told the story both girls laughed. "Oh Diana, you sneaky girl!"

As you know Gilbert, he didn't like to show his emotions. So he sat, all the way to Toronto, with an unmovable face and in his own thoughts. It was when he arrived in his room that he bursted out in tears. His pain was indescribable. He gave his all to Anne, his whole heart belonged to Anne. How could he live on if his heart was as empty as a stone?

That day he didn't come out of his room, nor did he eat. What was the point if the love of his life wasn't the love of his life anymore...

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