Season 4 - Part 17: The big step

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Anne looked at the Christmas-show at Queens and unlike herself, she didn't enjoy it at all. Normally she would be so delighted when she saw all the bright lights, and the angels that draped on and off the stage. But now, she only wanted to leave. Yesterday morning she had received Gilberts letter and when she read it she almost drowned into her own tears. She just didn't get it. They had so much fun last time they met, what could Anne have been doing wrong? Weren't she and Gilbert meant to be? Also Anne had a pale face and tired, watery eyes.

This, this is what Gilbert had done to her. For no reason, he just told her to part ways.

Diana was very worried about her friend, especially because she was sad at Christmas time because of the loss of her soulmate. Diana couldn't bring one reason up why Gilbert would just break up with Anne out of nowhere.

It was a big mistery.

Christmas eve came closer every minute and the day they had to leave arrived.
All the girls (plus moody) got together and went to the station. Anne had to act like she was happy, because only Diana knew of the news. Anne didn't want to make a fuss.

Before they would go to Avonlea, Diana and Anne went to aunt Josephine. They where received in full excitement and Diana was in complete shock when she saw Casper sitting next to Cole. Everything was explained soon and the girls sat down. Cole immediately saw something was wrong with Anne and took her to a private place. "Anne, are you okay?" Anne bursted out in tears, just like she did the days before. Cole couldn't believe his ears when he heard that Gilbert was the one who wanted to break up. He was over his ears in love with Anne.
"There must be a misunderstanding somewhere Anne, Everyone knows that he would never leave your side, ever. If you see him you have to ask."
Hearing that, Anne began to cry harder, because she realized she actually had to see him again.

It still was a pleasant afternoon and the next day, the morning of Christmas eve, the girls took the train back to Avonlea.

Anne and Diana parted ways and wished eachother the best.
Green Gables came in sight and Anne knew she had to tell Marilla and Matthew the bad news, on such a beautiful day like this. Would she ruïn Christmas if she told it? Maybe she had to go to Gilbert first and ask what on earth he was thinking.
She turned around and walked straight to his house.

Anne had never felt so nervous before...

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