Season 4 - Part 11: Anne the hero

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After the girls both calmed down Anne started speaking: "Diana, what happened? Did something bad happen with your family?" Diana looked at her and smiled through the tears. "No Anne, why are you crying?" Did Gilbert broke up with you or something?" Anne looked at her with big eyes. "No, no! Ofcourse not! How coule you possibly think of such a thing! And now, you go first!" After Anne said that she noticed a small, white figurine from a dog in Diana's hand.

"It's Jerry." she said, still crying. "He wrote me a letter. He said he loves me very much, and that he thought it was a pity that you saw us in the barn, because he would love the idea of kissing me again." Anne laughed. "Oh, how wonderful! I'm so glad that you at least talked things out. I'm sure that kiss will come soon." Diana blushed and looked at her figurine. "And he gave me this. I left it with him when whe drifted apart. He won it for me at the fair. Oh Anne, I'm so glad everything is okay again between us. I feel so stupid for letting our status come between us." Anne was relieved the tears of her friend were tears of joy.

"But now, what happened with you? Gilbert didn't hurt you, did he?" Diana looked strict. "No, no ofcourse not!" Anne said hastily and bursted out in tears again. "People hurt him." And she told the whole story.

Another week had passed and Gilbert wrote Anne a letter that everything was allright with him and that he passed his exams. It was at that moment Anne could sleep better at night and began to look a little bit more like herself, instead of a pale ghost.

It was saturdaymorning when Anne got a letter from another person instead of Gilbert or Matthew and Marilla. When Anne saw the name on the envelope, her heart skipped a beat.


Dear Melkita'ulamun.

I am back home for a month now, and I wanted to tell you as soon as I could that I'm reunited with my family again.

The school felt the pressure from my family and the rest of the tribe, and also dear Ms. Stacey who put op an action together with the council, to free the indians, after you told her. The newspapers were  full with the news so the school felt threatened and had to close.
Every kid got out and back with their family again.
I now go to school in Avonlea with Ms. Stacey as my teacher. She is helping me right now with writing this letter. I still struggle a bit with reading and writing, but last month I learned very much. I understand why you like Ms. Stacey so much.

Anne, I want to tell you that without you I wouldn't be here and be with my family again. I want to thank you deeply. You're a hero. (Ms Stacey said that it means that you saved us. So I think ms Stacey is a hero too) I hope to see you soon, Anne. I love you and miss you.


Anne felt truly happy and ran around jumping and crying tears of joy, to tell everyone the beautiful news.

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