Season 4 - Part 19: A huge mistake

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Gilbert woke up. He felt confused, but didn't kow why. Then he rememberd what had happened this morning. Anne denied that she had kissed Jerry. But that was almost impossible, because he had heard it and had seen Anne walk away. He didn't believe Anne would ever lie to him, she has the purest soul in the world. But Gilbert had no other reason to believe her. Cheating is the same as lying right?

You know what, I'm gonna ask that Jerry himself. Gilbert thought, and he immediately took his horse and went off.

Jerry was about to go home to his family when he saw someone coming in the distance. He walked to the gate to open it, and when he saw who it was, he stood still.

It was the boy that almost caught him and Diana. Ofcourse he looked familiar back then, it was Annes friend.

When Gilbert recognised Jerry he looked deadly serious. "You and I need to talk." Jerry nodded and the two of them went to the stable.
"Jerry, I need to know: Do you and Anne have a secret relationship?" Jerry looked very awkward. "No.. no, why would you think that?"
"Well, I heard two people kissing in that room, and who else could it be?"

"Jerry! I've brought you some delicious things my mom made, but only in return for a kiss! It's safe now because Anne is in the..."

Diana came walking into the stable smiling at Jerry, and immediately stopped when she saw Gilbert walking from behind a hay bale.

"So it was you! All this time!" Gilbert shouted and ran out of the stable, straight to Green Gables. He had to make it up to Anne immediately. Marilla opened the door. "Gilbert, what have you done to my child? She is devastated." "I'll explain to you soon, but I have to see her now." Marilla looked full of sympathy. "I'm sorry, she just fell asleep, she was too tired to even sit down. I reckon you should just go home and come tomorrow, at the Christmas dinner. You can leave a note behind if you want?" Gilbert smiled sarcastically. "No thanks, leaving notes behind only make things worse between me and Anne. I know from experience."

And so he stepped on his horse leaving Green Gables again.
Gilbert had never felt so embarassed in his whole life. How could he ever not have trusted Anne, that lovely, innocent, beautiful girl. He made her feel like she was trash, a thing she always was so insecure about. Gilbert had sworn himself to let Anne feel loved and understood, and now he had broken his own promise.

And he had broken Annes heart.

How could he ever make this right?

*5 minutes earlier*

Diana looked at Jerry as Gilbert ran away. "Oh no! Jerry I'm so sorry! He knows! What if he will tell the others?" She began to cry. "Well maybe it's about time. You can't hide me forever Diana!" Jerry said pissed, and Diana looked very hurt. "Jerry! You know my parents would keep me away from you!" "Then stand up for yourself! You're not a girl anymore. You can live your own life and make your own decisions." "No ofcourse I can't Jerry, and you know that. My parents will immediately sent me to Paris if they find out, my life would be ruïned!"

Diana ran away, leaving Jerry behind, speechless.

Well, the Christmas spirit is a little bit hard to find here in Avonlea, isn't it? But don't be worried. it is only Christmas eve. Christmas is yet to come, and sometimes you just have to believe in a Christmas miracle, don't you think?

Anne with an E season 4Where stories live. Discover now