Season 4 - Part 20: The fire

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Diana sat in her room, still crying about Jerry's incomprehension.
Why did he only thought about himself?

"Diana! We are going to Charlottetown with Minnie May to get us some pleasant clothes for tomorrow. Will you make sure the pie gets out of the oven in time?"
"Yes mother." Diana sighed. She felt so lonely, crawled up in her bed like this. It was almost Christmas, but she still hadn't got the spirit. Normally Anne always had a way to cheer her up, but now Anne wasn't in a good spirit herself, and it was all because of her. She had caused two soulmates drifting apart. Diana began to cry helplessly and fell in a deep sleep, still sobbing.

She woke up with the sound of loud crackle. When she opened her eyes the whole room was vague. She couldn't see sharp anymore.
She began to cough. What was it with the air? She could barely breathe.

Then she saw huge, moving flames, coming from the hallway. In a wave of panic, Diana jumped out of bed and wanted to run out of the house. Almost choking, she decided to go to the window for some air. She managed to open it with her last power, before she fell on the ground. There she laid, short of breath and not able to move or say anything.

The last thing she saw was a figure running towards her, lifting her up and taking her out of the room.

then everything turned black.

"Diana! Diana!" Are you allright?" Diana woke up, seeing Anne cry in front of her. "Where.. where am I?" Then she saw the house, going up in flames and she remembered. "Oh Anne!" Diana cried. "This is all my fault! I forgot about the pie!"
"It's okay Diana, everything is going to be allright!"

Anne and Diana looked at the people that worked together in hurry to extinguish the fire. Anne looked at Gilbert, with longing eyes. Gilbert was focussed on the fire and grabbed the buckets of water Jerry gave him, with a serious look.
Diana looked at him. Then she returned to Anne. "Anne, I remembered I was rescued by someone, who was it?" Anne smiled with a sigh and looked at her. "It was Jerry, he noticed the fire first and he immediately went inside. He is your hero, Diana." Diana smiled softly, but in deep pain of what she had done to her house. Her face twisted as she thought about all the beautiful things in her house that were all gone now... Her piano.. Diana sobbed and Anne put her arms around her.

Diana's parents came back and were totally in panic when they saw what had happened. Mrs. Barry ran to her daughter and held her tight. "Oh lord, I thought I might could've lost you!" She cried. "It was Jerry mother, he saved my life. He is a true hero."

After the fire was totally gone, mr. and mrs. Barry thanked Jerry a million times and invited him over for dinner when the house would be restored.

Anne watched with delight, happy that her bosom friend was rescued and everybody was safe.

Then she saw Gilbert standing in the distance. His face had black sweeps from the smoke and he looked very exhausted. Anne immediately began to ran and fell into his arms. "Thank God you're safe Gilbert, I was so worried, you're so brave." Gilbert held Anne tight and kissed her forehead. he was so relieved he finally had her in his arms again. The last weeks were unbearable.

"Mrs. Barry, I'm so sorry for what happened. If you want, you can stay at Green Gables until everything is restored." Marilla said, pinching Mrs. Barry's hand. "Oh Marilla, that's so kind of you. thank you very much."

And so everybody went home, waiting for Christmas to arrive.

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