Season 4 - Part 23: New Years eve

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It was the 31th of december and the Barry's house was busy being repaired. The Barry's could at least sleep there again. Only the furniture had to be replaced, but there was enough time for that.
Much to the dismay of Diana, the piano also had gone in the fire. Well, it practically had disappeared.When she went looking what was left in the burned house, she saw no remains of the instrument she had always loved to play so much. But Diana had to be thankful that she was alive after all, so she was in a positive mood.

Also, tonight would be the greatest night ever. Her father had bought fireworks! It was the first time that it was introduced on Prince Edward Island, and in Charlottetown the new invention was busy being sold. She had no idea what it would look like, but by the tales she heard it had to be amazing.
Mrs. and Mr. Barry had invited everyone to celebrate New Years eve at their place, so it would be a crowdy evening. Diana was very excited since Jerry was about to come too. (Her mother only forbid her to show she was in love with him). But that didn't matter. She could go into the new year with the love of her life.

Anne was ofcourse, also invited and she thought the same. When Diana had told her about a thing called 'fireworks,' both of them got extremely excited and they couldn't wait for the evening to start.

But now, it was still early in the morning and dark outside. Anne woke up early. She couldn't sleep of excitement for this day so she sneaked out of the house to go for a walk. Anne ran over the wide fields of Avonlea and stood right in front of the rising sun. The snow cracked under her footsteps and it was never so quiet outside as that morning. Anne reached the cliffs, looking out over the frozen sea.
She spread her arms and enjoyed the view with a great smile.

She felt so free, standing there, feeling the wind softly brush her face and the sun warming up her cheecks.

Anne was so caught up in the moment, that she didn't hear footsteps coming up from behind her.

Gilbert couldn't take his eyes of her.

Annes hairs fluttered in the wind and the glow in her eyes was blinding. Gilbert stood still for a moment, gazing at the beautiful view he had right in front of him. And by this he didn't mean the sea.
If he had taken his ring with him, he sure would've asked her to marry him at this moment. But he hadn't, because he thought he and Anne would be over. But thank God Anne was still his, although Gilbert couldn't believe it himself.

Then Gilbert let out a loud sneeze.

Anne startled and immediately lost her balance. She fell in the snow and when she wanted to look up, she saw the face of Gilbert, hanging over her with a grin from cheeck to cheeck. "Making snow angels Anne? You are having a good start." Anne smiled." I don't need to lay in the snow to be an Angel." Gilbert raised his eyebrow in a way that was typical his, while he smiled at Anne. "Yeah, you're my red-headed Angel." He bent over and softly kissed her. All of the sudden it wasn't so cold outside anymore and Anne and Gilbert blushed, like they always did when they were around eachother. Gilbert gave Anne his hand to help her up, and was surprised Anne actually took it. Mostly the feminist inside her would come up and decide that 'she could do it easily by herself.'

Gilbert thought to fast. Anne grabbed his hand and when Gilbert tried to pull her up, Anne pulled Gilberts arm so powerfull that he fell on the ground, next to her. Gilbert wouldn't let her win so easy this time, so he grabbed a ball of snow and threw it in her face. "You are a mean boy, Gilbert!" Anne cried out. Gilbert laughed and leant over Anne. For a moment they had intense eyecontact, and Gilbert bent over to kiss Anne again. When their lips almost touched, Gilbert expected to feel the warmth of Annes lips but instead, he felt the unpleasant feeling of a cold snowball roughly pushed in his face.

Gilbert stood up and so did Anne. A heavy snowballfight followed and Anne jumped on Gilberts back so he couldn't do her anything. Like that, he walked home carrying Anne on his back. Gilbert enjoyed the warmth of her breath against his cheeck.

That evening everyone gathered at the Barry's house, and everyone was waiting for the New Year to go in. It was just half a hour before the countdown would start and the Baynards still hadn't arrived. Diana began to worry and started pacing around. Anne noticed and offered to walk to their house, since it was only 10 minutes away. The girls were about to leave when they heard the sound of wheels rolling over the path nearby.

In the distance came the Baynards family, dragging an old wagon with a huge box on it. Or so it seemed, it was dark so the girls couldn't make it out. Jerry had a huge grin on his face when he saw Diana. Diana also smiled, but was a bit confused. Meanwhile everybodies eyes were pointed on the great stature on the wagon. The boys lifted it from the car and Jerry gestured Diana to come.

When Diana saw what it was, she cried out. "My piano!" She hugged Jerry with all of her strength and couldn't thank him more. Later Jerry explained that he saw the piano laying on the staple burned wood, and it looked like it was repairable, so he did.

Mrs. and Mr. Barry were very impressed and Mrs. Barry felt really guilty that she had always seen this really creative and talented boy as just a 'farm boy.'
Mrs. Barry took her husband apart and he agreed. Diana was in love with this boy, they both knew, and they understood why. This boy treated Diana like a princess and Mrs. and Mr. Barry always wanted their daughter to be treated right. If they would take this love away from her, she would be unhappy and they wanted everything for their daughter. Money wasn't a problem since Diana was studying now, so she could also get a job. Mrs. Barry herself always had wanted to get a job herself, so she wanted Diana to live out her dreams. All this status, she was done with it.

When Diana heard that she and Jerry could be together, her evening couldn't be better. The countdown started and when the new year went in, Anne and Diana both got a kiss from their lovers. The parents watched in delight and wished eachother a happy new year.

The fireworks were beautiful and Diana and Anne danced around, shining even brighter than the lights in the air themselves.

Diana and Anne were very obliged that they also got a glass of champagne, and they acted like they were two mature ladies toasting on the beautiful year that was about to come.

Who knows what kind of adventures they would experience this year? :)

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