Season 4 - Part 6: The start of an adventurous weekend

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"Gilbert!" Anne hugged her soulmate. It felt like she hadn't seen him for ages while only a week had passed. Somehow Gilbert managed to get a beautiful horsespan ready for their outing today. Or so Anne thought. It was when she climbed up the wagon that Gilbert looked at her with a weird face. "Uhm, Anne, aren't you forgetting something?" Anne looked surprised. "Like what? Oh! Ofcourse." She bent over and gave Gilbert a fellow kiss on his lips. Gilbert was immediately disoriented and began to stammer, thanks to all the butterflies in his stomach. "Euh, ah, no Anne, I actually ment your bag." "What do you mean?" Anne replied, frowning her eyebrows. Gilbert smiled " I'm not assuming you're going to sleep in your dress?"

"We're going the whole weekend?" Anne gasped. "Oh how amazing!" She ran inside and began to pack her bag. Diana was surprised when she saw Anne being busy. "What are you doing? You're not going to Toronto with him I hope? Else I'm gonna get him for stealing my Anne." Diana said, a little bit worried. " Oh no, don't worry Diana. I will never leave you, except for this one weekend!" Anne smiled. "A weekend??" Diana almost shouted out of excitement. "Wel have fun, lovebirds." Anne laughed and hugged Diana goodbye.

Gilbert was waiting outside and made a gesture to take Anne's bag. But Anne walked right past him and threw it in the back of the wagon. When Gilbert looked strange she replied: "What? I am very strong myself, as you can see." Gilbert smiled. This was typical Anne and he loved her for it.

Queens was barely out of sight and the long-burning question was spoken: "So, would you now like to tell me where we're going?" Anne looked at Gilbert with full curiosity. "You'll see it when we get there!" Gilbert laughed in a misterious way. Anne pushed him teasingly. Gilbert almost fell off the wagon and got Anne back by hanging half out of his seat, his head hanging over the road, shouting for help. Anne began to scream and tried to pull him back in the car. Gilbert got up laughing." Got ya!" Anne grabbed his arm. " From now on, you're going nowhere! You hear that!"

The chemistry was sensible in the air. And the weekend only had just began....

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