Season 4 - Part 7: Two teenagers in love

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"Wait 'till we're upon that hill Anne, and you will see the most beautiful spot on earth." Anne and Gilbert had driven almost 3 hours. But neither of them were bored, they loved eachothers company and the view. And the best view was still about to come. The wagon stopped, right upon the top of the hill. Anne's eyes began to water. Never had she seen such a beautiful landscape, right before her eyes. "I.. I don't know what to say Gilbert, I don't think any word would fit by this amazing, magnificent place." She whispered. Gilbert laughed, and they drove into the woods, past trees that waved softly in the wind. Anne waved back and smiled to every flower that she saw. "Isn't it wonderful Gilbert, that places like this exist? I should say we're gonna live here forever." Gilbert looked at her with dreamy eyes. He couldn't think of anything better than living with Anne for the rest of his life. The thought made him smile and Gilbert felt truly happy. Something that he only managed to feel when he was around Anne.

All of the sudden the trees disappeared and took place for a wide, open field, full of flowers. In the middle stood a big oaktree, its leaves dancing on the rythm of the wind.

Gilbert jumped out of the wagon and took Annes hand. "Let's go for a little walk, to stretch the legs a little bit."  The two of them walked to the tree and before Gilbert knew it, Anne was already climbing its branches. Gilbert followed her, strumbling thanks to all the leaves that hung in the way. Anne sat there, laughing at the struggling Gilbert. "Aw come on Gilbert, you have to see this beautiful sunset!"

But Gilbert already saw the sunset, blinking in Anne's eyes, making her more beautiful than ever. Anne saw him staring and laughed. "Are you scared to come up here or what?" To not be a loser, Gilbert hurried up and sat next to Anne on the highest branch. When he looked at the landscape beneath him, he got a tickling feeling in his stomach that didn't feel right. He was amazed by Anne's fearlesness. Anne noticed Gilberts doubts and took his hand. A group of swallows flew past with high, chirping noises. "Oh how lovely it would be to be a bird, flying free in the sky and go everywhere you wanna go." She sighed. "I think we will soon get the experience if we won't leave this branch immediately." Said Gilbert as the branch began to bounce up and down.

Downwards was easier than up and this time Gilbert stood waiting for Anne. As she stumbled down the branches, a little bit goofy, a branche suddenly broke, and Anne fell down and shreeked. Luckily Gilbert had good reflexes and could catch her just in time. Anne blushed and so did Gilbert. Although the two felt familiar with eachother, they still acted like two kids that were awkwardly and goofy in love.

"Well, did it felt as wonderful and free as you just discribed?" Gilbert laughed and put Anne down.
"Not at first, but when I fell down into your arms it did." Anne smiled and put her arms around his neck. Gilbert chuckled and softly pushed Anne against the tree, while kissing her.

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