twenty eight

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They somehow still managed to have a nice last couple of days on their honeymoon. After the phone call with Simon, they both turned their phones off and enjoyed their alone time. They thought about adding a couple of days (of weeks) to their stay there, but they knew they couldn't.

The last days passed fast and soon they found themselves packing their belongings. They had another three hours to spare before their driver would pick them up and bring them to the airport, so they decided to go to the private beach they found beginning of their honeymoon one last time just for the sake of it.

Of course, they ended up having sex there one last time. It started out slow, loving and passionate but ended up being rough in the end, both of them frustrated with the whole Simon situation. Harry ended up coming from Louis rough thrusts, him pulling his hair harshly and choking him rather hard but still very much pleasant. Louis came only seconds after to Harry's desperate whines, loud moans and the way he was scratching down his back so hard he knew he would have marks for at least two days.

After coming down from their high they went for one last swim and walked back to the resort, got their luggage and checked out. Soon after their ride arrived, and they were on their flight back to London.


"It's not fair", Louis whispered, looking up. "It's not fair!" he yelled, the tears in his eyes dangerously close to streaming down his face. He almost lost it when he heard Simon chuckle. He was so done with Simons homophobic shit.

Before he could open his mouth to say something though, Louis screamed at him, not caring about the big tears, which were now running down his face now, "we were just kids!"

Simon closed his mouth at that, staring at the scene in front of him. Louis was breathing heavily, tear stains on his face and Harry was sitting next to him, head hanging low between his shoulders while a few tears silently made their way down his face, falling into his lap.

"Sinners such as yourselves don't deserve being happy. And you definitely shouldn't get to be in a relationship, which the public is aware of. It's disgusting and bad for the image of this band and my company", Simon chuckled deeply after a few moments.

As soon as those words left his mouth, Harry placed his hand on Louis thigh, trying to calm him. It didn't help. Louis was furious with all the hatred he had for this man.

"Fuck off."

"What was that?" Simon asked, raising an eyebrow. "I said fuck off", Louis practically hissed and glared at him. Harry has never seen him this angry before. It was actually quite frightening. His eyes were rimmed red from crying but somehow, he still managed to look very intimidating. His hands were squeezed into fists so hard that his knuckles were white, and he was breathing heavily, staring Simon dead in the eyes.

"You keep telling us that our love is a sin. Saying our love is disgusting because we are two men. Telling us that we don't deserve love in first place because we are sinners. When in reality you are disgusting", Louis said, never taking his eyes off Simon.

"You keep saying all these hurtful things over and over. You force us to lie to the people who love and support us unconditionally. You keep doing this bullshit only because you can't accept that two people fell in love. That's all. We are just two people who are in love. And what are you doing? Trying to take away our happiness? Honestly, sort your shit out. Do you genuinely think that being in love is worse than what you are doing?" Louis was rambling. He knew it but he was too angry to think properly. He just needed to say everything that came to his mind.

"It's disgusting. Like I already said having two faggots in the band is already bad enough. You being fags openly is what will ruin our good image", Simon spat.

we're just friends //larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now