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*3rd person*

Harry was standing next to Louis and Niall. His microphone in his one hand, his other hand playing with the hem of his t-shirt. "Ok boys. 10 more seconds." The boys watched a man, dressed in black walk past them, towards the door, putting his hand on the handle as soon as he arrived. "Are you nervous?" Louis asked as he put his hand on Harrys, which was playing with his shirt. " A little maybe." He answered and watched Louis hand pat his upper arm before he turned back to facing the door. "3... 2... and- 1", A man shouted from behind them and the man dressed in black swung the heavy door open. As soon as they set foot out the door, the crowd started screaming like crazy.

The boys looked around the arena. It really was breathtaking every single time. There was an ocean of people there just to see 5 boys perform. A bunch of them were holding signs up, which were often very amusing. After the crowd calmed down, Liam greeted them by shouting "Hello London!" , just to make them scream again.

Harry looked through the crowd of people, reading the signs. After a few minutes he spotted one that said does harry or louis top? Harry bursted out in laughter and walked to Louis, tapping his shoulder. He whispered something into the older boys ear, who then held up his microphone "Does Harry or Louis top? Good question", Louis read out while pointing at the sign. "Well obviously-" Louis got interrupted by Harry "I top!" The curly lad started smiling when the crowd started screaming again and looked at Louis, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

After a few moments the people calm down again so the boys can start their next song. When it was completely quiet, a girl, who was standing in the first row yelled "Louis tops!" The boys stared at her and the arena erupted in cheers again. Harry looked over to Louis, who was looking at Harry with a huge smirk on his face, lifting his microphone up to his mouth "Eyyy! She knows what the deal is!"

"That was quite a show", Zayn said as soon as the five of them were sitting on their bus to take them home. They all nodded our heads in agreement. "I really wouldn't mind vacation", Harry sighed and they nodded their head again. "You know what? Lets just book a flight and apartment somewhere", The boys looked at Liam, who seemed to be dead serious.

As soon as they got home, they took showers and put their pjs on. After they were done, they meet in the kitchen again in order to grab a bite to eat. "So-" Louis started as he sat down on the counter. "-are we gonna book something tonight?" "Louis we-" Niall got cut off by Liam "I'll be back in a second. Just have to go get the laptop", The four boys started at Liam, who quickly walked out the room.

"So you wouldn't mind? Great! Of course Ill take care of that. Ok- Sounds good. Bye", Liam put his phone down and sat down at the table, opening the laptop. The boys joined Liam, who looked up at them "So where shall we go?" he asked with a huge smirk on his face.

After discussing it for a while and doing some research on a few places, they finally settled for a little town in the south of Croatia. They booked a flight for the five of them and a house right by the ocean.

"Are you all packed? Our ride will be here in about 10 minutes!" Liam shouted and a few minutes later they were standing outside, waiting for their bus to arrive. As soon as it stopped in front of them, they threw their luggage in the trunk and drove off to the airport.

"Thanks for the ride", they said shortly before closing the trunk and walking into the airport. They walked up to the shelter to give up their suitcases and then walked towards the gate. Louis, Niall and Harry went into a little store to get a few snacks, while Liam and Zayn sat down on a bench nearby. A while later it was already time for boarding. Louis and Harry sat down next to each other and Liam, Niall and Zayn settled themselves on the seats in front of them.

A few minutes into the flight Harry felt Louis lie his head down on his shoulder. The curly haired boy turned his head towards him only to see that he has already fallen asleep. My god he is beautiful, Harry thought. He lifted his hand and ran it through the sleeping boys hair, which made him smile. He kept looking at him for a while before turning back to the window. The sun started setting and it looked breathtaking. Harry decided to take a few pictures to show Louis later. When the sun has set, he closed his eyes as well and slowly drifted off into sleep.

"Wake up. Were about to land", Niall said while poking Harrys and Louis shoulder. Harry opened his eyes only to see that Louis head was still rested on his shoulder and their fingers were intertwined. His heart skipped a beat and he couldn't stop staring down at their hands. From the corner of his eyes he could see Louis opening his eyes, also looking down at their hands. He gently pulled his hand away and tried to fight a blush but failed.

By the time they got our luggage there is a man waiting for them, holding up a sign with their names. They walk over him and he leads them to a silver van. "The ride will be 2 ½ hours long. After that we will take a boat over to the island", He said with a strong accent. Louis and Harry sat next to each other again, behind Liam, Niall and Zayn. Since Harry was still pretty tired, he decided to close his eyes again for a bit.

"Harry. Harry", He slowly opens his eyes and sees Louis hand resting on his thigh. "Look. The ocean", Louis said, pointing out of the window on Harrys side. Since its already dark, all you can see are the reflections on the water. It looks breathtaking. When they drove into a tunnel, Harry looked over at Louis, just to notice that he was already looking at him. He smiled and turned away, his hand still rested on Harrys thigh.

Harry never really realized how beautiful Louis is. Obviously, he always knew that he was good looking but- he is flawless. His beautiful blue eyes, his cheekbones, his soft pink lips, his gorgeous laugh and the crinkles by his eyes when he smiles- everything really. He's just perfect.

"What?" Louis voice interrupts Harrys train on thoughts. Shit. Harry was staring at him the whole time. He feels his cheeks flush in a bright shade of pink. "Nothing", Harry answers and looks out the window again, seeing Louis smile to himself.

It's about 1:30 am when they arrive at their house. The boat ride took about half a hour and the drive from the boat to the house took another 15 minutes. They were really tired and decided to check the house and town out first thing in the morning.

authors note:

so this was the first chapter.. I know it was short but I had to cut it somewhere. ok I think that's it I don't really have anything else to say.

hope you all are well xx

we're just friends //larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now